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Everything posted by mooneySpain

  1. Thanks to both. We have already taken the part out of the plane, cleaned it and tried... but it just does not work when it is installed. I have contacted LASAR with my fingers crossed. Merry Christmas to all!!!
  2. Hi all I have a mooney m20e with electric gear. Testing the manual emergency retracting system I found out that it does not work due to failure in the mechanism inside the "Dukes drive connector" which acts as a clutch that connects/disconnects the cable for the emergency extension handcrank. The problem may be the cable and the dukes drive connector (diagram attached). Any idea of where I could find a replacement? Thanks!
  3. Need the dukes drive connector (part of the emergency gear extension system). Diagram below.
  4. Hi all I have a mooney m20e with electric gear. Testing the manual emergency retracting system I found out that it does not work due to failure in the mechanism inside the "Dukes drive connector" which acts as a clutch that connects/disconnects the cable for the emergency extension handcrank. The problem may be the cable and the dukes drive connector (diagram attached). Any one for sale out there? Thanks!
  5. Propeller from a Mooney M20-C in very good condition. No books (lost), so will need overhaul, but has very few hours. Hartzell HC-C2YK-1A / Blades 7666A-2
  6. Removed from a '66 M20C. The seats are in good condition although the color of the fabric is a bit faded.
  7. Yes. I have just updated the ad. Two more servos are included (actually the pictures missing are the aileron servos) plus the brackets (I have added a picture showing these)
  8. Brittain B6 system. The PC portion of the system includes the LSA rate gyro P/N 11900-25 and the aileron, rudder and alt hold servo assemblies. It aldo includes the supporting brackets for the servos. The controller BI-600 is the autopilot part of the system. It will provide heading and tracking capabilities and pitch stabilization with altitude hold. I also have the magnetic heading sensor. - Aileron, rudder and alt hold servo assemblies - BI-600 unit - Alt hold unit - Dynertial pitch control unit - LSA Rate gyro unit p/n 11900-25 - Shunt valve - supporting brackets The whole system was working when removed. Servo assemblies are OK. Asking 3000$ for the lot, including worldwide shipping costs, OBO. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/12/20/391691a83366cad711004e401d33a8f9.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/12/20/e6e83abc9b332135da0d00bbee8b7a67.jpg
  9. Brittain B6 system. The PC portion of the system includes the LSA rate gyro P/N 11900-25 and the aileron and rudder servo assemblies. The controller BI-600 is the actually autopilot part of the system. It will provide heading and tracking capabilities and pitch stabilization with altitude hold. I also have the magnetic heading sensor. - Aileron and rudder servo assemblies - BI-600 unit - Alt hold unit - Dynertial pitch control unit - LSA Rate gyro unit p/n 11900-25 -Shunt valve
  10. First I will test it and make sure it works fine. I am open to offers.
  11. The plane is now in a truck on its way. Once it arrives I will take out all instruments, test them, and then will price them up (to make sure they are ok).
  12. Including: - Engine LYCOMING Model 360-AID S/N L-17805-356. No log book. Working fine. - Hartzell HC-C2YK-1A propeller in very good shape and condition. No log book. - Interior: seats, panels, etc. Some things in better shape than others. - Instruments Radio BENDIX/KING KX170B, ADF BENDIX/KING KR86, TRANSPONDER NARCO AT150, AUDIO PANEL BENDIX/KING KA134TSO, AUTOPILOT CONTROL UNIT ARC, GLIDESCOPE INDICATOR, TACHOMETER, ALTIMETER, SPEED INDICATOR I also sell from an abandoned proje t of a Mooney M20-E, some Brittain Industries auto pilot parts. Eill post separately. WILL SEND WORLWIDE
  13. Couldn't find the metal mounting As you can see I need some clearing back there
  14. Thanks! I have sent them an email. Awaiting a reply
  15. I found more parts of the system... And something else that I am not sure if it has anything to do with the Brittain system, and is also disconnected.
  16. Thanks! Will check this weekend
  17. That explains it! I had been told that the ones inside the wings (for the ailerons) had not been removed, but as I saw four servo pots I assumed the big ones were the ones that go inside the wings. Therefore I assume I have another two pots inside the wings (I will confirm this weekend, if I can) making a total of 6.
  18. Hi to all, I am working on bringing my vintage '65 M20E Super 21 back to life! It is now being repainted, gas tanks sealed, interior plastics repaired and painted, seats renewed and engine serviced... After that the plane will be ready to fly, although I am thinking on refitting the PC system. This was uninstalled by the previous owner, who never used it and just wanted less weight, but he kept all parts in a box. I am not sure if I have all the equipment needed as my maintenance book shows some parts that I don't think have and I have some other parts that are not shown in the manual (?). Also, hoses were cutoff so this will need to be replaced. This is a BI-600 unit. It was on the panel. Alt hold unit. Not shown in the manual. Dynertial pitch control. Not shown in the manual either. Where do these go? How are these connected? Filters (2) are missing here. Anyone knows the p/n? http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/07/17/3yrutupu.jpg And these are the diagrams in the book which show some parts that are missing and don't show the alt hold unit and the dynertial pitch control unit. Any help? Thanks!
  19. Thank you for your prompt replies. I found the main kit (M20-188-1) here: http://www.aircraftsupply.com/products.php?cat=122 But the SB refers to another kit (M20-188-2A) which refers to sealants needed. Any idea where can I find this? or any recommended alternative to the sealants included in the SB? Thanks in advance
  20. Hello everyone, I want to replace the drain valves on the fuel tanks on my 67 mooney m20e "super 21". Can anyone confirm if these would fit= F-391-18? Thanks
  21. Please could you share those pics? I had my factory AP system completely removed and am thinking to install a whole new system. Considering all options at the moment. Any suggestion? Any idea on overall cost for installation? Thanks in advance!
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