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  1. Thanks for sharing guys, Fly Safe.
  2. Hey All, Trying to get a feel for the larger six-cylinder Continental engines from the folks that fly behind them. Any thoughts on reliability, operating cost and maintenance, comparison to similar sized Lycomings, and general impressions are most appreciated. Thanks, Jerry
  3. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. Anyone ever had or heard of problems with Precise Flight Electric Speed Brakes? My left one will not remain extended during ground test (right O K), but inflight, it will work fine after cycling the switch one time. It extends then quickly retracts. Can't tell if its a mechanical, electrical or controller issue. Thought someone else may have similar experiences. Thanks, Jerry '63 M20C
  4. Hey All, Am considering replacing my side glass and interior, could any of you recommend a shop in the Southeast that does quality work and leave me with enough gas money to get it home? Thanks, Jerry '63 M20C
  5. David, Thanks for the offer, I have already been working on this and your pics will be a great help. Thanks, Jerry
  6. Thanks for the quick response, Dave is there a chance you could attach a copy of that template? From this and other topic/posts, it appears many do not have this fairing. I would love to have it. Jerry
  7. Hey All, While cleaning the bottom of my '63 C with the step retracted, I noticed what appear to be attachment holes in the bottom of the step. It appears there is a "boot" or some sort of fairing missing from the step. I found a couple of references to a rubber boot, but have no idea of a part number or picture of a step with the suspected part attached. Does anyone know of what I speak and/or have a pic or part number of same? Also, any ideas of where to get a parts catalog for my plane? As Always, Thanks, Jerry
  8. Thanks to all you responders, as usual your knowledge is invaluable and much appreciated. Jerry
  9. Hey Y'all, I have researched the forums, Lycoming and Mooney manuals, Insight engine monitor manual, and elseware to determine the proper way to lean a carburated O-360 engine on a 1963 M20C. Thought I had it figured out, then read something that made me question myself. Rather than ask for everyone for their techniques, I thought I would tell you mine, and let you throw stones and recommendations. I should add, I have had the plane for over two years, two annuals with no troubles or issues with the engine, oil or plugs. Here goes. Taxi in and out--lean aggressively--full rich for run-up Takeoff--full rich, unless DA>3000 ft After Takeoff--Gear up--power back to 25/25 Climb-lean to 100oF < peak Cruise--50oF<peak Decent--Enrich as required Land--full rich CHT always <400 Please give me your opinion, it seems to work OK, but I am always open to suggestion. Thanks, Jerry
  10. Hey Y'all, Yet another question. I have an Aspen 1000 EFD Pro installed on my '63 M20C. Its sensor unit (I believe they call an FSM) is located on top of the fuselage, on centerline, just aft of the cabin (I believe this is standard installation). On the aft side of this module is a one inch metal strip that runs vertically up the unit. Mine is not attached at the top. So the question is, Is this a problem? The pic in the manual shows it attached. The EFD appears to work fine. I was wondering what other installs were like after some use. I thought it may be some sort of static wick or the like. Your expertise is most appreciated. Thanks, Jerry N6893U
  11. Thanks for all the feedback guys, unfortunately you confirmed my suspicions and its time to pay mother Garmin. Jerry N6893U
  12. Hey Y'all, I have a GNS 430 W, which performs great, except... I've noticed the "PROC" button no longer functions, it feels like the other buttons, which work fine, but no matter how hard I push; nothing. Does anyone have experience with this issue? I've found a work-around by using the menu on the FPL page. This requires extra selections and keystrokes, but if it's there, I want it to work. Thanks, Jerry
  13. Thanks guys, I was very close to your numbers. Plots out as a straight line, which confirmed my data. Jerry
  14. Does anyone have stick measurements for a 48 gallon usable C models? I've been reinventing the wheel, so to speak, and would like to confirm my findings. Thanks, Jerry
  15. Thanks to all of you for your insights. Jerry
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