I must admit I keep coming back to a Mooney. In the last year when I began looking around and learning, I found myself gravitating to any Mooney on the ramp or in the air.
There is a pull that way but it is not from any flight experience, so I can't say I'm hooked.
The 0-360, speed, and looks, keep the airplane on my short list. The simple systems help. It may be I'm drawn to them from my high school years working the line at an MSC. Back then I thought everyone owned Mooneys. They were everywhere. Now among professional aviators at work, all I hear are rumors and comments why NOT to buy a Mooney (helicopter guys, what do we know about F/W aircraft anyway?).
In the past year, three guys at work have bought airplanes. A 210, Lance, and ratty Arrow 200. 6 others have a 177RG, Vagabond, Mustang II, AA-1B, RV-6, and my Bro's 28-140. One other had an M20E his partner totaled on a forced landing short of the runway. Before I could get a ride of course. Engine valve train failure.
Can you imagine the conversations? "You're crazy...Mooneys are too tight, look at so-an-so's E, the engine overheats with that tight cowl, and failed etc, etc. "I can't see out of them things". "Get a 182, or better yet a 210". "With Mooneys no mechanic will work on 'em".
I wonder, how many of these guys will still have their airplanes 18 months from now? I have to remind them I'm on a 28-180 budget.
Curious, no one has a Bonanza.