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Everything posted by allens

  1. I'm relieved (though not real surprised) to find that I should be able to get up to speed (pun intended) with a little effort. Being new you hear stories... all exciting, but I guess it would be boring to just say, got in, flew fast, landed, got out, repeat... My reason for a less than 5 year old is because of the glass cockpit. I plan on keeping this a long time so gigure the investment up front in avonics will be worth it down the road. No problem with steam guages, and I'll have to spend some hours learning the glass, but it will transfer to any other future plane. Also good to hear about the height/comfort. I'm 5' 11" 210, so once I master the fine art of getting in and out through one door gracefully, I'll have it made. Of course, all the new ones are long bodies. Insurance is going to be high probably no matter what I fly for the first year, so I figure I migth as well enjoy myself. With any luck I'll be able to make it to the fly-in in Tahoe in June. Last night we did the last of my 3 hours of night cross country with a flight to Oakland (STS - OAK). Absolutely indescribable the feeling of naviagting with the real airliners, on a crystal clear night, with lights everywhere. Just indescribable to anyone that has not done it.
  2. Thanks to both quick responses. Fortunately, it was as I suspected, it is just an airplane, just have to learn to fly it. Heck, 6 months ago I couldn't fly a Cessna... Working through all the financing now, but will happily report my first flight in one.
  3. Hello all, I'm about 2 weeks from getting my private ticket, and am shopping for a plane to use after that. I'm a 52 year old software guy in Northern CA (Santa Rosa), and plan to use my private ticket to fly for both business and pleasure. My typical mission will be to SoCal and the Pacific Northwest, with trips to the Texas and midwest regions including Colorado. I plan to start locally, i.e. CA, AZ WA, OR, until I gain enough experience to go longer. I also plan to start on my instrument rating soon after i get my private (need it here for the winters). So, since I'm flying 172's all the time now, I have spent lots, and lots of time researching what to actually purchase. The debate centers on something like a DA 40XLS as an easy plane to get around in, to a Cessna 182, to a Cirrus (non turbo), to my personal first choice a Mooney Ovation 2 GX (can be used but withn 4 years old). Price is a consideration but not the final determining factor. I'd like to get something that will work for me as I go through ratings, and get into longer range trips. That being said, I guess I'm looking for opinions on a low time pilot in an Ovation. Practical? Crazy? Too hard to handle even to learn in? I had planned on getting some Mooney specific training (maybe in Kerrville) of locally for as long as it takes to get and feel confident. I have the time and resources to put into this, and absolutley love to be in the air, but am looking forward to going on 'missions' in my bird. Please feel free to be brtually honest in your responses. I have not flown a Mooney, but will be test flying everything I can as soon as I get signed off. That may decide it right then. Thakns for you time, and FYI this is a great place to get Mooney specific info which is a lot harder to find that info on Cessna or Diamonds...
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