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  1. Here’s the weight calculations: Basic empty weight: 2225 Max zero fuel weight: 3368 Max ramp weight: 3375 Max takeoff weight: 3368 Max landing weight: 3200 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Contact Henry H Phone text or email Four two five seven eight zero nine four eight three aeroncadoc at comcast.net Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. TTAF 1800 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. N355RZ TTAF TTSNEW 1100 Avionics: GTN750 GNS430 GTC500 Autopilot Dual G5 AI/HSI GTX345 Bluetooth JPI730 FIKI Precise Flight speed brakes LED lights Shadin fuel flow Built in O2 New Paint 2023 New Leather from seats Asking 298K Located KPAE Everett WA Photos hopefully on the way Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Someone pointed out I need to make a donation to Mooneyspace. Done so when processed look for my bird in classifieds! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks!! Donation made. Will wait for it to be processed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I’m getting ready to list my 1997 Bravo for sale but Tapatalk says I don’t have permission to post in classifieds. Is there a sign up for that or some other qualification? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I’m getting ready to list my 1997 Bravo for sale but Tapatalk says I don’t have permission to post in the classified section. Is that a different level of subscription or do I have to beg someone? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Wings to Walla Walla is back for 2023. We were hampered by the weather gods last year so we’re trying for summer. It’s August 11-13, 2023. Hotel rooms at the Whitman are already available at 866-826-9422 or 855-516-1083 under Wings to Walla Walla. Sign up sheet soon to be posted. This year the main organizer is Cascade Flying Club (I’m a member) so we’ll be sharing the ramp with Cessnas and others but I’ll be the contact for we Mooney folk. You can reach me at: aeroncadoc@comcast.net Stay tuned for more info. Henry H . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. We’re having sheet metal repair done on our 1997 Bravo. The shop needs the structural manual. Is this available online. If not how can I track one down? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Greetings. A few months ago I posted that we had a left main gear collapse on landing. A bent push rod tube was found but we don’t know if that was a consequence or a cause. Nonetheless much of the major parts repairs are about to get underway but the repair shop can’t repair the sheet metal damage. We found a shop that specializes in aircraft sheet metal repair but they need a structural manual. Can anyone suggest where I might find one for a 1997 Bravo? Thanks in advance.
  13. UPDATE You guys were right. Bent push rod tube and some sort of bracket. I know our maintenance shop that does our annuals knows about adjusting the tension and has the proper equipment so who knows what happened. The plane did have an off airport landing in 2006 with a previous owner and the gear was likely down when they put it in a field as the left main and nose gear assemblies were replaced. It turns out there were a few significant errors in the repairs that were discovered on a subsequent annual we did a year ago. Who knows if that had any relevance to the gear failure? At any rate we need a left flap. Any suggestions as to a good place to source one that we could tell the mechanic who’ll be doing the repairs? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Here’s my .03. My previous Mooney was a 252/Encore. Boy do I want it back! When it was time for engine work my new partners said let’s get something newer and liked the Bravo we found. I don’t notice the speed delta of about 10-15 kts on the typical missions I fly so that’s not a big issue for me. Useful load is less in the Bravo. Landing the Encore was easier for me but eventually I’ll likely get as proficient. The taller panel looks more airliner like but I don’t see that as a plus or minus. The Bravo does seem to have more ramp appeal. There is a Delta of 5gph unless we run LOP in which case you’re down to Encore/231 speeds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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