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  1. The 235 is a 4 seater and smaller than the 6. From what I've read, the Mooney may be a tad bigger than the 235.
  2. Nice!! I do have a CFI local that I plan to spend many hours with learning how the Mooney handles.
  3. Up to about $125k
  4. Great info!!!! Thank you
  5. Understand your comments, however, more looking for pros and cons.
  6. My intended use: my wife and I have houses in Virginia and South Carolina and want to remove the 5 hour car drive. Other than that, doing some weekend golf trips, fun flights, and visiting family within a few hours flight.
  7. I am looking to purchase a Mooney, but would like opinions please. I owned a Piper 235 and have a little over 100 hours. Would a Mooney be a good plane, and if so, which model? I've read pros and cons and not seeing anything that would keep me from buying, but what am I missing? Thanks all for any thoughts, good and bad.
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