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Pembroke Advisor

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  1. Hey Marc, I am in a similar situation. In the market for a Mooney (M20R in my case) and flying out of KTTD regularly. You can check out https://www.themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html and scroll down to the Oregon and Washington list. There are 3 guys on there (Portland, Hillsboro and Kelso based). I don't have my Mooney nailed down yet and I have not contacted them to schedule so I can't vouch for any one in particular. Good luck! Let me know when your purchase is complete and you find an instructor. Would love to see your new Mooney. Michael Menzies
  2. Fun fact, the average Leadtronicks brand CD player in 2001 weighted approximately 31.444 lbs. .04 lbs less with no CD in the player. @kinser FYI sent you a separate PM
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