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  1. Thank you for the recommendation! The places I have reached out to have been a little unreasonable in my opinion, but it could also be my lack of understanding on it all and it's just sticker shock (I don't think 3 instruments is worth $40k in labor alone in my opinion...); certainly willing to pay for quality work, but want a fair price, all things considered. If a shop is gouging just to fit you in, not worth it for me.
  2. That is why I am leaning towards the 275, despite it being a little more, you get more functionality in the sense that it can replace more in less. Right now my scan is practically across the entire width of the cabin; so reducing that travel distance will be more efficient and safer in the long run. Thanks for weighing in!
  3. Here is the full panel I'm currently working with. I will reach out tomorrow and seek your advice, recommendations and viability. Thanks!
  4. Hey all, just wanted to get your take on what you would recommend for a modest avionics upgrade. I would like to condense all instruments down into 2 or 3 digital counterparts as the primary. I would like to avoid a major overhaul of the panel if possible, so ideally looking for solutions that will slot in with as little work as possible. I heard not so good things about the AV-30 from the previous owner who's a mechanic and said they had a lot of issues with their school fleet using them, so that more or less leaves me with the Garmins, unless there's another solution I'm missing. I am leaning more towards the 275 for the engine monitor version, as I would also like to get a JPI or some other digital engine monitoring system installed alongside it all. Any recommendations or experiences you can share with any of the mentioned products, or something that might fit the bill would be greatly appreciated. Bonus points if you have a good avionics shop in the Midwest (I'm based out of Indiana) you could refer! Also, does it make way more sense to hold off on the purchase and just wait for Oshkosh when it's more than likely there will be deeper discounts, or is the trade off with that busier shops and greatly delayed installation dates?
  5. As someone who doesn't have a fancy engine monitor (I have digital RPM and EGT read outs), what is a good recommendation for an E? Currently I am aiming for 21" of MP and 2500 RPM around 1350 EGT. Desperately wanting to get a JPI or a 275 so that I can get some true engine monitoring for fuel flow, CHT and EGT combined.
  6. I have a more generic, broad question, because the one quote I received from an avionics place (Gulf Coast) was absurd - they were charging $40k in labor alone, and for a very modest update too. Would love to get some glass components, but would appreciate some recommendations of places that do a good job and don't gouge. Basically just a pair of G5's and an autopilot system is more than enough; already happy with my center stack of WAAS GPS and comms for the most part
  7. Looking for a CFI who has (per insurance): 300 TT 100 TT in retractable gear/complex planes 15 TT in Mooney M20E (has to be same Make & Model) The plane in question is out of KFLY in Colorado Looking to accomplish this next week as of writing (Week of 8/25) Thanks!
  8. With all of the inadvertent retractions, if not even your brain is conditioned on how it operates, then you can't inadvertently raise the gear...it's jeenious!
  9. I did ask them yesterday about that and they said they would need to look up the CFI for approval, so I would first need to identify someone who is available and then get them approved, which I am not against. Unfortunately the plane locally didn't work out, so having to look in the PNW, and restarting the search all over again...
  10. Thank you, reached out to them as well to hopefully leverage their network of people in the area.
  11. Thank you! Will reach out and explore that option. Really appreciate all the help so far in such a short amount of time.
  12. I'm from Orlando originally, but sadly the plane in question and myself are up in Indianapolis. A bit of a haul, and since I can't reposition it without the endorsement, might be tricky. Not sure how flexible you are and what you would need to make it worth your while, but if we could knock it out in a weekend, that would be awesome. I will keep researching and see if there's a closer candidate (not saying better or any more or less qualified!) - but definitely let me know if you would be willing to make yourself available to welcome another member to the Mooney Maniacs, or whatever you call yourselves... Oh. Though, right before I hit send, I guess the flip side is that I can also come down there and we can fly using yours, though obviously comes with its own cost as well. Crunch some numbers, chew on it and let me know a ballpark for either scenario, please and thank you.
  13. Looking to purchase an M20E, but need to get at least 10 hours with a CFI who has at least 20 hours in a M20E (and 300 TT, 100 Complex/Retractable Gear). ...where in the world do I find someone like that? I've been scouring the internet and it's been nearly impossible, so I'm hoping other owners might know someone who knows someone, otherwise I don't understand how people ever get off the ground with these things! Thanks in advance!
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