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  1. I'd love to purchase an M20J, but I just don't think I can afford the acquisition cost compared to the M20C's I'm seeing. I can handle the relatively slower speeds, as they are still better than many other airplanes in the same price range. A couple concerns I have: 1) Age - many of the C models I'm seeing are from the 60's. I'm very accustomed to flying that vintage of aircraft generally, so no qualms about it from a safety standpoint, but is there anything else to consider with Mooneys specifically that are that old? Interior materials, etc.? Anything to look out for regarding avionics? Landing gear system? 2) Parts availability - are these older ones problematic or more expensive in this regard? Anything else to consider when weighing the more palatable purchase price of a C model compared to the value of a newer, more capable J model? Thanks!
  2. I'm looking to buy an airplane to commute a roughly 510nm (one-way) trip several times per year. I've been perusing the classifieds, but haven't made any phone calls yet. I have a few questions, as this is my first time going through the process. Is it best to go through a broker? I've read about someone in Texas (I think?) mentioned frequently who is highly regarded as a Mooney broker. I'm guessing folks here know who that is. In some ways, that makes sense to me, as I'm still looking for the right airplane and will need to sort out financing, pre-purchase inspection, insurance, everything. I'm assuming a broker may be able to assist a little with at least some of that, as well as just finding the right airplane for me. I may be able to get a home equity loan or personal loan, but are there other good financing options out there? AOPA for example? Credit score is 800 and I can put at least 20% down. Thanks!
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