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John J

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  1. I do not know which series of servos I have, but I will ask. Thank you for the insights!
  2. First time Mooney owner and proud 201 owner!...first post on what else my INOP KFC-200 :-) I have a KFC-200 with KI-256 and Aspen Pro Max. The AP and FD appears to work fine on the ramp - in both pitch and roll the yoke will follow the FD cues. Avionics tech believes torque to be appropriate on yoke. The roll servo motor has been replaced, cleaned, bearings replaced, and likely eliminated as cause. However, in flight the AP will not move the yoke despite the FD showing correct motions both in KI-256 and Aspen. Initially I was focused on roll not following HDG, but it does not seem to follow in pitch either when ALT engaged. Has anyone seen this situation before or have ideas on cause? Thanks!
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