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  1. I did post there too. I’ll try to get hold of terry. Garmin was closed yesterday for the holiday so just trying to see what can be done over the weekend. Thanks for your input!
  2. Hello everyone, I’m hoping my link will be visible, and maybe someone here will have the same set up in their plane. So my ia and myself together have installed dual G5’s, gnc255, and a gnc355 in my plane. The plane has no auto pilot, so we are putting both navigators on the dual g5s. So far so good, until configuration. We are having trouble getting the G5’s to display any signal from the 355 and 255. We re-checked our wiring, followed garmin’s wiring schematic how a 355 should be wired exactly. the stc installation manual didn’t give entirely clear indication on how to wire up the second navigator in their manual with this exact combo, but it was somewhat self explanatory after looking at a few different diagrams including the experimental manual. We ended up only sending a pair of Arinc429 wires from the gnc255 to the gad29b. Pin 24&23 from the 255 to pin 22&10 on the gad29. We are now trying to configure and having some trouble. Did anyone here have a snag on this part or any tips? Are we missing something? We are trying the different configurations and not having much luck. Here’s a vid of what it’s doing. https://streamable.com/yjnyd0
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