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    M20M TLS Bravo

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  1. Some demos would be good to see.
  2. I should probably add, with this mount: https://mygoflight.com/collections/mount-to-yoke/products/flex-clamp-yoke It works very well because I lean it to one side off center so that it rests on the yoke. That way it doesn't move ever.
  3. I fly with the iPad pro 11 like this: It's perfect for me.
  4. All the sources I could find say this not to be correct. Example: https://www.avweb.com/flight-safety/technique/turbulence-v-speeds/
  5. Yes sure, for that it makes sense. I too don't go below 20"/2000 in a descent and for the same reason. But then how would you answer my original question?
  6. Alright, thank you! I think I have my answers.
  7. From the parts catalog: That doesn't look like the same schematic. Hmm
  8. Ok found it: But it's not depicted here or is it the encircled part? Plus based on this I don't see how me changing the mixture could have changed anything. Oh and the MP gauge under reads by about 1 in. so perhaps I was at 21-22" and 2200 RPM doing 135.
  9. Ok one other question then. On my last flight I started getting the horn (at least I think this is the gear warning horn right?: peep peep peep peep..) as I was about to level off after my descent at 20" 2000RPM and Peak TIT for entry to traffic pattern. I started to enrichen the mixture and I started getting the peep peep warning and then I increased RPM and finally increased the MP by just an inch, maybe not even that, and the horn stopped. How could enriching the mixture cause the horn to trigger. Per the service manual it's tied to a MP setting. I recorded my flight with a GoPro so I'm 100% sure about what I'm saying. I started enriching and mid way through the peeping started. Then I increased RPM to 2200, I can see the MP drops by one inch or so at this point and then I increased the throttle by a smidge, somewhere between one turn and half turn, and the peeping stopped. Does going richer from peak TIT somehow decrease MP? I guess if I enriched past best power to the richer side, power reduces and so less suction means lower MP? Is that what happened? Looking at this: I would have needed to go basically full rich to be at a lower power output mixture than peak TIT. This is really confusing to me. If someone can confirm that peeping is the gear horn, and how enriching can trigger it that would be great.
  10. Ha, you're right: I'll check this. Thanks.
  11. Simple question. My plane doesn't fly below max Va at the lowest possible power setting before the gear horn of 20" and 2200RPM and that's just with me in it. I was doing about 135 KIAS at that power setting with gear retracted. But with just me the Va is lower, possibly towards the lower end: On my last flight I was at around 1315kg and to be below 117 I had to put down the gear and throttle even further back to around 18". Is that what I'm supposed to do in turbulence?? Am I supposed to put the speed brakes out rather than gear and fly like that? POH in the topic: I mean sure, slow down. But how if the plane just wont? I mean it could if I throw down the gear or use speed brakes but that seems excessive. Any input appreciated!
  12. I am aware but I co-own so I'd have to convince my partner. And that's unlikely. But we have space around it for the bigger screen:
  13. Well, possibly. But in my few hours of flying my plane I already had a partial engine failure where I potentially missed the warning signs on the takeoff roll taking it in the air when I could have aborted. My best idea right now is to step on the brakes, get 2000 RPM or so, observe the JPI701 for proper indications and then release brakes and do what you suggest.
  14. What about any other gauges such as Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, TIT, Fuel pressure, JPI700?
  15. So you're saying having the IAT indication and knowing the numbers is how you verify your engine will not overboost?
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