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  1. a lot to ponder there. I appreciate all of it. thanks so much for your input.
  2. I have a family of 5, plus 2(now) grandbabies. I'm big. everyone else is average or less. I assume. most trips with family would be within 300 miles at least to start out (after I was truly proficient) and likely only 2-3 of us would go. I do get that 900ish useable doesn't go far with 245# of pilot and gas.
  3. Funny. also, good tip. I've been talking to the AOPA on the medical issue. I'm at a small airport(huge runway tho) no flying clubs. maybe i'll look into some at the bigger cities around. This makes sense. I'll take it under advisement. thanks
  4. Really good insight. I had thought of this. I was actually off to look at a 140 near me but It sold before myself and a mechanic got a chance to see it. Thanks
  5. nice. I think 1989 was my medical. I joined the AOPA already. They have been great about advising me. They think It'll be fine but it may take multiple correspondences. I'll look into a basic med but I really think if I can get my class 3 I can hold onto it. good feedback. appreciate you
  6. good tip. thanks so much.
  7. Thanks for laying it all out. I appreciate you.
  8. You guys are pretty awesome. I appreciate everyone who commented here. I was encouraged to post here so I would hear exactly this. I know it's all coming from the right place. I'm still on the path.
  9. I live in remote southern AZ. most recently, my job has me at the airport every day. There's not a lot of Mooneys but one or two. I talk to the A&P on the field once a week and anyone with a hangar open that doesn't look too annoyed by my presence.
  10. probably what I need to hear. I'm hearing you say, "the market is stabilizing, your still in the hunt. Relax and just put the horse up front" thanks
  11. Yeah.... It makes perfect sense.
  12. not what I wanna hear but maybe what I need to. I appreciate the candor.
  13. none of it is medical, its all past history of goofball that figured it out later in life. The AOPA said it shouldn't be a big issue, but it'll take time and going back and forth(a few times) with the FAA which is obviously a big waiting game.
  14. My goal has always been to get my license and own a plane. When I was 17 i embarked on my mission to become a pilot. As the story so often goes, i ran out of money just before I finished(I'd passed the written, had my solo x-countries done and was mostly just the check ride away). I got laid off and had to discontinue my dreams. 35 years later, I'm ready to finish. I'd like to finish. My medical is in deferment but I'm hoping the powers that be will see that I've worked hard to overcome the mistakes. i have a cfi at the ready and have been brushing up on ground schools to make sure I'm solid when i get back in the skies. I think the kind of flying i want to eventually do (x-country travel, explore new areas of the country when I retire soon, maybe take my family along when I'm proficient enough to have them join me) and my current financial situation seems to lead me to a legacy mooney. I always thought they were so damn cool. I've sat on the sideline for probably too long and watched prices skyrocket. I know there's a lot to aircraft ownership, I'm not well off but I've saved a bit and think I could handle 50-85k, hangar fees, insurance (prob a load here in a retract for a zero-time guy but hoping to get some hours in and maybe get IFR to keep that from beating me up) and annuals as long as they aren't too bad. I've been thru trade-a-plane, controller, barnstormer, social media and I think I may be able to make some of the cheaper ones work with my budget but am terrified of getting in over my head..."there's nothing more expensive than a cheap plane", I've heard. I'm also afraid if prices continue to climb it will easily price me out of my dreams. So, long story even longer, I've been looking into getting something on the cheaper side (VFR capable low time m20c with aestetic issues or even something run out for 40kish that i could get and know an overhaul is coming) and finish my training in it and hopefully it's my trainer, time builder and forever plane. Am I crackers? is my cart too far in front of my horse or is this at all doable? thanks in advance for any constructive criticism.
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