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Everything posted by LardLad

  1. There isn't a ton of model specific stuff to watch out for, the big ticket items are corrosion, engine condition, avionics, etc. that apply to any plane. The only C model stuff I can think of are landing gear disc condition, leaky wet wing, whether or not the original PC wing leveler is still installed and if so then it's condition, and the potential for a recurring 100 hour eddy current inspection on the prop. None of those are anything like a "deal breaker", just the only Mooney/Ranger specific things I can think of.
  2. If you haven't had any luck yet, try to clarify with your insurance. I've got an m20c and they asked for same make and model, but when I pushed them to define that it turned out they were ok with the whole type code of M20P which is c,e,f and g at least. That opened up the cfi options in my area a quite a bit.
  3. Yeah, thanks, it went out for a rebuild and came back already. It just took around 2 months in the end, so a bit of frustration on my end with that. My understanding is there's currently a backlog after some parts shortages for the rebuilds, but I'm hearing it all second hand so ymmv.
  4. Mine 66 m20c is stuck in the shop waiting for a fuel pump overhaul because the shop couldn’t find a new one after they found a leak during annual. I just popped on here to see if this shortage was a real thing, thanks for the comments.
  5. Hey, great! I’ll dm you.
  6. Thanks for all the replies! I was on vacation after my last post and not checking in here. @Igor_U That's exactly it, I'd love to fly along on the ferry flight but my schedule doesn't really allow an open ended wait for weather to clear. I've got three small kids and a wife who works so a three day weather delay would not leave me with a welcoming arrival home ;-). I've got a tie down at PAE for now, though my ferry flight isn't done yet. I'm on the list for a hangar at a few of the local fields but that will still be a while. @jamesm Hey, thanks for the offer! Like I mentioned it's not actually here yet, but I'll reach out at some point. Even if I can't log the hours anything beats standing around starring at a plane I'm not allowed to fly yet, haha.
  7. That’s actually an amazing plan, I might just do that. Thanks for the advice @PeteMc
  8. @PeteMc I’m a really low time pilot, the plan was for me to do the complex endorsement in the m20c. I imagine it might be a waste of time to go right to the Mooney safety training, but maybe I’m thinking about this wrong? Maybe a blank slate with no bad habits formed wouldn’t be so bad?
  9. I'm a soon-to-be owner of an m20c, looking for a CFI in the Seattle area with experience in manual gear short bodies. Any suggestions beyond themooneyflyer.com?
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