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    2000 M20M Bravo

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  1. Tell me about this Mooneymax.
  2. Thanks everyone for responding. I think my approach with this airplane will be similar to the Cirrus. Crab until about 50 agl, then transition into a sideslip. I like doing that mainly because I can figure out I'll have enough rudder as I get close to the ground. Personally, unless the poh says otherwise, I prefer to go full flaps, normal speeds plus gust factor if needed. I do this mainly to minimize my time in the flare waiting for speed to bleed off while in a crosswind. I go to full crosswind control deflection on roll out and use them on take off too. I learned that lesson long ago in a light trainer. I've had one what I would consider real crosswind landing so far in this airplane, it was about a 10 knot crosswind component, I barely noticed it (with the proper inputs of course). Thanks again.
  3. Thanks everyone, pretty much what I thought or hoped it would be, I love flying this airplane.
  4. Hi Fellow Bravo pilots, new owner here and I have a question. I was wondering what others are using for personal mins (or maxes) on crosswind landings? Our POH lists 13 knots as the demonstrated crosswind, which we all know is not a limitation. I understand that proficiency, technique and being comfortable all enter into the individual equation, but I am seeking out what other Bravo owners are comfortable with. I'm a 900 hour private pilot, and for reference about 700 of those hours are in the Cirrus SR 22, which has a maximum demonstrated crosswind number of 21 knots and still had plenty of rudder to go beyond that. TIA.
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