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  1. I can only wish!
  2. Yep nothing seems to come close to the Mooney speed and efficiency. Just wondering if the math of those are big enough to offset the insurance premium of Mooney vs Cessna 182 ownership
  3. Thank you for contact !!!
  4. Got ya. That is steep price for insurance and noted ! thank you ! kc
  5. Yes I suspect nothing in this hobby is gonna be cheap
  6. Hi Miles yea the mission is to be able to fly family (2 passengers and myself )3-5 hr trips . Scottsdale , Moab and salida are all within reach !
  7. Thx Craig, Ive found the local aviation community very nice and willing to help . Appreciate any connections Kc
  8. Hi Toto Thanks for reply! Wow I didn’t know the forum was based here in Santa Fe . Hopefully someone locally will offer me a ride ! Of course happy to split fuel! kc
  9. Hi everyone, relatively new pilot with 160 hrs, hoping to tag along on a Mooney flight to get an idea how they feel and fly. Hopefully in the near future I’ll be debating which to buy a 182 vs Mooney . I’m based in New Mexico KSAF , but willing to drive near by as well. Thanks in advance ! KC
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