I finally got a chance to dig into this a bit further today. I did some troubleshooting suggested by Jake and found:
1) The harness from the computer out at the roll servo is sending out expected readings across the D and L pins. When the autopilot is held on and heading bug is turned in one direction the voltage is positive, in the other negative, and when my 11 year old son centered the heading bug as well as he could, it ended up close to zero. ALso, the FD bars on the Aspen showed the expected banks. From all that I assume that the computer is working well, and the problem is the roll servo.
2) I cleaned the contacts on the main connector between the servo and the computer, to no avail. The ground from the servo looked a bit suspect, so I cleaned that as well, and again, it didn't fix the issue.
3) When the radio master is turned on (but not the autopilot) there is a whirring noise from the servo but the cable doesn't turn. It sounded like a fan, but I don't know if there is a fan in that unit.
4) In the past, when holding the autopilot in the up on position, it would show the FD correctly for the heading bug location, but would actually pull the ailerons full left. Once I cleaned and reassembled, the servo would move perhaps 1/8 turn and seem to sort of stall. Once it stalled, even if I had my son rotate the heading bug, it didn't really move.
5) I'm not sure if I have a KS178 or KS201 roll servo. I tried to remove the two bolts closest to the access panel, but the servo unit didn't want to come out after that. I was afraid I would somehow mess up the aileron control, so I didn't keep experimenting. I've attached a few pictures showing the bracket.
So my questions are:
1) Do you agree that it sounds like the roll servo needs to be removed and serviced/replaced?
2) Do you know of a instruction manual explaining how to remove whichever roll servo I have (or, is it tricky enough that it is best left to the professionals)?
Thanks so much for your advice.