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Everything posted by KASE

  1. Hi, Andy(Fadec) I am interested in purchasing and or troubleshooting parts for our KFC200 system. Thank you for your offer! How can we make contact? Gary aspencfi@gmail.com
  2. Hmmm…hope it’s not the autopilot computer. Just sent it back to MidContinent for a $1,500 repair. Thanks Andy! I may reach out to buy some parts and pieces from you
  3. Thank you! Looks like a trip to the avionics shop is in my future.
  4. Hi all. Anyone had any experience with electric trim switch tripping to the off position on its own? This just started last flight. Seems to prevent the autopilot (KFC 200) from staying engaged as well. Any suggestions as how to tackle this issue would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Thanks all! So, I have been using the 70% power setting table for the intercooler which usually gives me a setting of around 25.5-26 inches at 2,500RPM/12.5 GPH. The JPI engine monitor does indicate very close to 70% once I get the throttle/prop./mixture dialed in and stabilized. I do have Gamijectors and have experimented with LOP several times, but find I lose more than 8 KTAS to save 1.75 GPH-not worth the trade off to me.
  6. Hi there. I’m a relative newcomer to a 1982 K model with aftermarket waste gate and intercooler. Curious to find out what kind of true and indicated airspeeds K model pilots are typically experiencing. I normally operate in the 11K to 18K altitude range, 70% power and ROP. My indicated airspeeds are usually in the 120-128 range depending on density altitude-which makes for approximately 154-160 TAS calculations. Seems a little slow to me. I was expecting faster true airspeeds. Appreciate hearing what others are experiencing. Thanks in advance!
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