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  1. It turns out this problem was caused by loose ground wires and loose wires near the battery. They weren’t able to move freely but when tugged on they were able to be moved.
  2. Great response and thank you for the diagram!
  3. I am going to run it up later today and check this. Thank you for your response.
  4. Battery is new, less than 1 month old. No cap check.
  5. I flew for 1:40 min and was unable to restart. I’ll check it from a. Cold start today. Thank you for you response.
  6. Hello MS’ers, I have a 1981 M20K that is new to me. I am having a problem with the plane not starting after it’s been ran for a few minutes. The engine will turn 1/4 to 1/2 turn and stop. If I jump the battery it starts fine and the volts are 14.1 to 14.4 while flying and I am not suspecting an alternator or battery (New). Cables are tight and newer (2 yrs). Any advice on what to check next?
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