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  1. Im just back here to marvel the plane and pilot
  2. I appreciate the input and help. I’m eyeballing M20Cs mostly. Looking to travel reasonable distances at a reasonable pace. A hangar home sounds great. Sign me up! I wish but it’s a little early for that for me. I will no doubt keep my eyes open and the balls rolling forward.
  3. Thanks for all the responses. The responses definitely help me feel better about getting a plane before getting a hangar. A cover sounds like a good idea if its going to be on the ramp for any amount of time. Also thanks for the warnings about costs of maintenance, insurance, etc. I actually do my training out of Bolivar and rent their 172's. They are super great people but have the longest hangar list I have come across. Im currently on the list in Bolivar, Downtown (3DW) and Aurora. Ive heard Buffalo might have some T-hangars, so I might check there. Heck I'm even willing to go all the way to Branson West. There is actually an M20 there I considered looking at. 3DW would be my first choice because its 5 minutes from my house. I didn't think about Monett but it is a nice airport. Ive never been to Lebanon, but it sounds like I'm not trying hard enough I suppose Ill keep looking for a plane and keep rubbing elbows with people at different FBOs.
  4. I've been in the market for an M20 for a while and I've seen a lot of nice planes slip away. So far I have been determined to not purchase one until I have secured a hangar, but I have no idea how long that will be. Am I doing the right thing to wait for a hangar? I was also wondering how well the tactic of.... "I'll buy your plane, but I also need your hangar" would work? Im in Springfield, MO. So its pretty cold/wet winters and some bad storms in the spring. At this point it seems more possible (sort of kidding) to buy land, build my own hangar and strip than it does to secure a hangar. I am about to finish PPL and Im getting antsy to get a plane for fun family trips. All that to say, if anyone has connections in the KSGF area for a hangar and an M20, I could use them.
  5. I appreciate the replies. I haven’t jumped on one because I don’t know what I don’t know. I’m not just new to flying, I’m new to aviation as a whole. Curious how much more costly, on average, a mid time 60’s M20 would be compared to a similar say 150. It’s really hard to know how much money I’m putting toward a renter knowing I could be putting that into my own aircraft.
  6. Im 10 hours in and want an M20 bad, but yall keep talking me out of it.
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