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  1. I have considered (and am still considering) the Cessna 400. My limited understanding is that Cessna is based on the Lancair. However, while I've considered the Lancair I do have concerns with the home built experimental aircraft at that speed. My biggest worry is not the aircraft but finding a mechanic with enough experience, knowledge, skill, and time to do a thorough enough review. And at the speed of the Lancair (which is a large temptation), it isn't just normal pre-buy checks or inspections, it is things like checking how true and how square the wings / fuselage, and winglets (if equipped) are. From what I understand, without the wiglets stalls generate a flat spin that is nearly impossible to recover from. Done lots of homework there and while the speed and capability is enticing there are a lot of downside safety concerns I have.
  2. All great input and your use sounds almost exactly like mine. Like you, with the exception of sales calls I can take an airline seat when needed. The airlines are just a huge time suck and hassle with the significant amount more time needed for lengthy drives and rental cars. It isn't unusual for my drive from an airliner friendly airport to be 1.5 - 2.5 hours. I even had a recent client in Reading PA where the client is literally across the street from the regional airport. Like walking distance across the street. For the airlines it is a 2 hour drive each way to and from PHL, plus the airline security time, plus travel time on both of them, plus rental car time, eats up an entire day for an in and out trip.
  3. Thank you for the feedback. My mistake on the number of passengers. It would only ever be a total of 3 "full size" adults, including myself, the pilot. In other words, I doubt I would ever have butts in all 4 seats. Could it happen? Sure, but with a full contingent it wouldn't be likely to have much luggage because it would be a short term trip.
  4. I am a noob here so please don't flame the post for any trespass of decorum. I have a job that requires routine travel, and frequently to places where there are only smaller regional airports. It is fairly normal to be 500-800nm in any one direction and I am in the cold Midwest. The central location is nice because I can go East or West. At this point a lot of the sales and delivery work are in the Northeast. We are looking at a second place in Texas or Tennessee so still fairly "central" in the US as a home base. My missions would usually be 1, but on occasion 2 or 3 passengers. Depending on the client, the project, or the sales opportunity. It could be a Monday through Thursday (occasionally Friday), or, when it is sales related it may be 1 or 2 days. I have been looking at the K (252), M, and R models. Any thoughts on the best bird and why? Or, if you would choose a different model what is the reason with those mission parameters?
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