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  1. I am looking at a 1970 M20E as a first plane (well technically a second plane but the first one is a rebuild project that I got into just for the learning and it has wings in the wrong place so it doesn't count). Just looking for some feedback. I have read a bunch of the posts where people talk about the F being bigger, and the J being faster, I can't justify the extra money for 10" of overall length. The extra fuel capacity isn't a big concern for me right now as I am not planning more than 2-3 hour trips. Useful load isn't a ton different (like 46 lbs with full fuel if the data I found on global air is right 700 full fuel on an E vs 746 on the F with full fuel). Looking for someone who has an E that can give me real world advice. The only Mooney owners I've come across at the airport I have my other plane at own C's and they all love them. Most of them told me a C would be as good as an E but I want the electric gear and flaps. What else don't I know. Besides everything if you ask my other half.
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