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  1. Thanks everyone for your input!
  2. Good morning everyone. I've been on here for almost a year, reading up on various topics weekly. I am looking to purchase my first airplane in the next 12-18 months. I've been casually researching a few different airframes, but have definitely been interested in Mooneys. My primary mission will be excursions with my family to/from Arkansas from central Texas. My main concern is trying to fit everyone. The group comprises of myself, wife, 2 year old daughter, and the kicker, an 85 lb Golden Retriever. Is a J model a good option for this? I've specifically considered years 82+ so that I can fold down the back seat to accommodate the dog. I figured I'd reach out to the brain-trust here and see what your opinions were of this setup. Has anyone crammed a similar group into these aircraft before that can comment? Thanks in advance for any and all comments and suggestions!
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