I'm getting close to finishing my PPL and I've been looking at what plane I'd like to get. The Bravo always stood out to me so that's what I'm going for. My instructor told me I should get at least 15 hours of dual with a CFI that has experience in the type, which is definitely my plan.
From reading the forums I've seen mostly good things about GMax, where they have N83FL. Looks to be decent, low time and mostly modern avionics.
Since this is my first aircraft purchase, any tips, tricks, or hints / things you would have liked to know before getting your Bravo?
How do I find a reputable mechanic to do a pre-purchase halfway across the country (Texas)?
This plane had a prop strike and an IRAN done. What kind of problems would I be able to expect with that?
Is it worth upgrading the KFC-150 to a GFC500? (Although I can't figure out if that's compatible with the G500 (non-Txi))
For you PNW based owners, where do you go and get your annual done?