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  1. Hey Everyone Thx for the comments. I conclude that it seems unlikely to get the retrokit - i'm going to check out the alternatives - but realistic its not gonna be a twin. I think the real alternative is maybe a Meridian once the finances, experience and need is all in place For now i might be better off limiting the mission or looking at another type with 6 seats.... /Mikkel
  2. Hi both! appreciate your input, and The comments regarding The search function is noted. i expect The Manu mission of this to be 90% 3-4hrs 1-2 People 500-800nm - and then would like The possibility of bringing 3 kids along on short 1-2 hrs flights when The chance arises. I Think that fits within The use case for The bravo quite well… right? my question was regarding The ability to upgrade into having The bench because that would widen The possibilities when looking for a potential buy. i’ve read The other thread but it wasnt really clear to me whether it was feasible or not. /Mikkel
  3. Hi all ! Rather new to this forum, but contemplating quite much regarding becoming a mooniac.... I've been looking at several second hand bravos - and have a ton of questions. I've 3 kids that i would like to include in the back ( not the main mission, but the possibility would be very nice) Do anyone know if its possible to upgrade to this from a 2 seat rear configuration ? i've seen this: https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Retrofit-Kits.pdf On the mooney website - is that whats needed ? https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Bench-Seat-3-Passenger.pdf Any thoughs, experience or similar is much appreciated. Best, Mikkel
  4. Hi @LANCECASPER any chance you could share those with me aswell? Much appreciated, /Mikkel
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