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Everything posted by e.savvas

  1. Hello to all and thanks for acceptance! Quick intro, greek working for 3M, FAA/EASA PPL, working on my FAA IFR and relocating to US/Twin Cities end of summer, permanently I hope this time, (been around for 2 years before covd). I may know some of you from Lake Elmo Aero and EAA 54. I am an official mooniac, on my way to ownership. The moment I establish base, I will be after a M20E. I have seen ALL youtube channels over renovations, upgrades and special thanks to all youtubers of you out there. So , keep me in mind if you have one coming later this year to the market. Looking mostly for a solid airframe, and honest logs. Looks, paint, interior, and high engine time, I am not worried about. I am very handy and eager for working on my girl ;-) In the meantime, I will be looking for a CFI/Mooney, combo preferably. I would like to finish my IFR and get the complex time needed to reduce insurance. I saw an old post about Jaeger, but seems is now in WI, pretty east from Twin Cities. If you can recommend one, I would appreciate it. Also, if anyone will need an extra hand around the Twin Cities, either on a project/hangar work, or for a flight, am all in to help and learn and make new friends. Again, after the end of summer! Shoot me a PM Looking forward to learn from all of you and wishing you blue skies! Vangelis
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