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Steven B

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  1. Anyone have a lead or know where I could pick up the strobe rocker switch for an 81/k. Tyia.
  2. All valuable information. Thanks to all the Mooney experts! I’ve not flown to 18K of above. So a cannula or boom is inadequate at higher altitudes, you have to use the mask? Also is the O2D2 system worth it at $1200? Thats a lotta oxygen fills. Thanks everyone!
  3. Will do. I tried the boomula, but sent it back bc I couldn’t get it to swing close enough to my nose. Seems it need another swivel joint to bring it closer. Any other companies make that besides Aerox?
  4. Great article. Take home message to me. Fly higher, use oxygen, take advantage of the turbo!
  5. I dont have a rocket…unfortunately. 81, 231.
  6. That’s all great information and honestly new to m. But I want to learn as much as I can. I rarely fly above 12/13K feet but probably should. Sounds like that’s what this machine is built for. I know service ceiling is 24K. No idea what CA is. Have to check the POH. THX AGAIN. you’re definitely a welcome wealth of knowledge.
  7. Makes total sense. Thank you for turbos for dummies, exactly what I need. It’s all very technical especially for us basic minded pilots! But I can understand the way you explained it!
  8. PS. I think I figured out “critical altitude,” and looked up bootstrapping but I’m not sure I understand it. Ty.
  9. Thank you for all the really informative comments. I’m trying to learn about what I have so I can learn how to care for my engine as best I can. It’s all new to me so I’m asking a lot of dumb questions. Reading about the different setups and how pilots manage their temperatures is a big challenge but I owe it to my mooney and my wallet (and safety) to figure it all out! I’m not sure what bootstrapping is and what the CA refers to(cruise altitude ?), thank you for all your expertise. Truly appreciated.
  10. Great tip. Thx Dan. I usually have no issue in cruise. But that’s a great tip!
  11. Thank you ZW. Such great information. I will completely follow your guidance. I think I can definitely use some help. Thanks again.
  12. That’s exactly what the POH says. 37. I may have typed incorrectly previously. Thank you!
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