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  1. Hey everyone! I have officially decided to take the plunge into upgrading and selling my plane. I have a 1968 Cessna 177 Cardinal with the original 150HP engine. I've anyways thought about selling it for a faster plane, but now its listed and I'm ready to move on. With that, I have been looking at Mooney M20Cs and Arrows. I'd love a Comanche or Super Viking but insurance on those is out of my budget (7k a year for both) since I don't have my instrument rating yet. I'm looking for something that can do 135-145 knots and do so economically. Arrows with the 180HP engine caught my eye because owners claim to get 140 knots out of them, and insurance is very resonable. I have yet to get a quote on a Mooney. Owners also say the cabin is bigger than a Mooney. However, Mooneys do seem faster and from what I've heard, have a more "sporty" feel on the controls. For those of you that own a C model that debated getting an Arrow, what made you buy the Mooney? What cruise speeds do you guys see? I'm looking forward to hearing your responses. Thank you!
  2. It's the 1968 model with the o-320 so I cruise at about 110 knots. What speeds do you get in your m20e?
  3. Thanks!
  4. Hey everyone, I'm very fortunate to own a beautiful 1968 Cessna 177 Cardinal, but I think it's time that I upgrade. I want something that can do a 150-350NM trip in under 3 hours. On my list so far is a C/E Mooney, a Comanche 180/250, or a Bellanca Viking. I was wondering, is there anyone in the Western NY/ Rochester area that would be willing to take me up on a quick flight so I can see how a Mooney flies? Gas is on me!
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