Hey everyone! I have officially decided to take the plunge into upgrading and selling my plane. I have a 1968 Cessna 177 Cardinal with the original 150HP engine. I've anyways thought about selling it for a faster plane, but now its listed and I'm ready to move on.
With that, I have been looking at Mooney M20Cs and Arrows. I'd love a Comanche or Super Viking but insurance on those is out of my budget (7k a year for both) since I don't have my instrument rating yet. I'm looking for something that can do 135-145 knots and do so economically. Arrows with the 180HP engine caught my eye because owners claim to get 140 knots out of them, and insurance is very resonable. I have yet to get a quote on a Mooney. Owners also say the cabin is bigger than a Mooney. However, Mooneys do seem faster and from what I've heard, have a more "sporty" feel on the controls. For those of you that own a C model that debated getting an Arrow, what made you buy the Mooney? What cruise speeds do you guys see? I'm looking forward to hearing your responses. Thank you!