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  1. Want to thank everyone for your inputs. As BOTH left and right brakes are equally involved, and after doing much research, I'm leaning on the master cylinder needing new seals. Also, my Mooney only has brakes for the left seat (right seat only has rudder foot controls); thus, only one master cylinder. To me it does not seem to be a problem with the rotors or calipers.
  2. Last year my brakes needed "pumped up" prior to departure and landing, as they were feeling spongy. So, during my last annual maintenance/inspection I had the brakes bled and fluid replaced. Well, this only worked for a couple of months before the brakes once again needed "pumped" on a regular basis. NOTE: My parking brake neve failed and always held solid. Now my brakes are worse than ever, but I can't find any leaks nor does the reservoir loose any fluid. I was told the seals in the master cylinder may need replaced, but I would appreciate other's thoughts. Thanks. 1988 M20J
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