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  1. Hi All.. so I have a new to me J.. I know the trim force is heavy generally. I usually use electric trim in cruise but today I was hand trimming. I noticed when @ 6500' and hand trimming the force was very light, easily half the normal force. Trim was working fine, and pitch control was spot on with it. Just very light force needed, which seemed odd to me! Once I was lower, the trim force felt heavy and normal again.. Has anyone ever had this experience? Thanks All
  2. Thats what i was thinking but the shop needs to configure it before install and don't think its an easy fix after the fact... sent mooney an email...hoping i can just swap out all the MPH to KIAS via a POH supplement
  3. Thanks..will try that!
  4. me too...but to be legal the Aspen needs to match the POH which is in MPH...annoying...lol
  5. Hi, My 1980 J POH is in MPH for speed limitations. Looking to add an ASPEN PFD and i will need a POH supplement in Knots in order to have the Aspen display in KTS.. Does anyone know where I can get this supplement?? Thanks
  6. Any tips on how to clean up this yoke Shaft and bring back some shine? See attached Pic.. Thanks for the help!
  7. Hi...thanks for the info...going to be @ KPMP
  8. Hi All, Fresh private pilot and purchasing a 80' M20J. Looking for a CFI to assist with the transition training and to bring the plane back from SC. Please reach out of provide any recommendations . Much appreciated.. Thanks alex
  9. Hi All Purchasing a 80' M20J. Fresh private pilot and in need of a CFI familiar with the make and model. Need transition training and would like CFI to fly back with me from Charleston SC in the next few weeks. Please let me know if you have any good recommendations.. Thanks
  10. Plane will be at FXE
  11. Hi..looking for a pre-buy on a 1980 M20J
  12. Hi Any recommendations for a good APIA in the south Florida area? Thanks
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