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Everything posted by ZentRose

  1. The suggestion from Blackstone was that the clogged injector may have caused the cylinder to run lean and make metal. I didn't think that was likely but I'm probably wrong. Today I cut open the filter after 10 hours of operation and it had nothing in it. The engine was scheduled to come out this week for overhaul but my mechanic said no after cutting open the filter. I'm going to continue flying and will revisit this thread when I need to overhaul. The engine is at 1850 hrs since factory overhaul so I am sure I will be updating this thread soon.
  2. Yes the heater is pretty weak in my plane too. I bring a coat when I take it up to the higher altitudes because it can get very cold lol
  3. Thanks everyone, I want to add more background on my engine problems: Before the oil change I had a rough engine on my way back from Colorado and lost all EGT reading in the #3 cylinder due to a clogged injector. I made a landing at Bryce Canyon, found a piece of metal blocking the injector and multiple flakes in the fuel servo finger screen. Some of the flakes were ferrous but most were not. (I don't think this is related but I am not certain) I am currently waiting on the last oil sample from Blackstone to confirm the iron trend, flying 10 more hours and checking the filter again this weekend. I assume I am witnessing cam/lifter wear and it will just get worse.
  4. This is good advice, thank you
  5. Original Rajay with manual wastegate. The exhaust tubes & wastegate have been rebuilt/replaced over the years according to logs so those parts are not original.
  6. I agree with this approach for peace of mind but also want to be diligent. I had set aside $50k for overhaul when I purchased the plane so there is room left in the budget but I don't want to spend if I don't have to .
  7. I am beginning the process of overhauling my Turbo Normalized IO-360-A1A engine (invoice attached) since it is making metal and near TBO. The turbo has roughly 500 hours since last overhaul and the exhaust was last overhauled by Dawley aviation about 1300 hours ago. I emailed acorn about inspecting and repairing the exhaust and they requested part numbers from me (not in my logbooks and not certain where to get those). As far as I can tell from the log books, the past owners have sent the exhaust in when needed and it tends to last much longer than 1300 hours between OH. I am wondering what your experience has been with the life of the exhaust and turbo with the Rajay set-up? From the logs, it seems appropriate to leave the turbo, exhaust and wastegate alone since they are easily removed from the plane and currently in good shape with many more hours of serviceable life. Thank you -Tom
  8. I decided to increase my budget toward an M20F or M20J and ended up buying this plane. The Rajay is a nice bonus: https://indyairsales.com/current-inventory/aircraft/1968-mooney-m20f-n3486n/
  9. Yeah the agreed starting point was $70k on the one at Foothill after I reviewed the logs. The one at GMAX is similar (not worth asking price since the engine is run out) but I don't think they will negotiate much.
  10. I ended up driving to LA on Friday and paying off the lien in cash. The lien release was sent off to aerospace and they will clear the title. The attorney route was going to cost more than just paying the bill.
  11. I went through an attorney and sent a demand letter. They won't be able to resolve the lien until July. It is not valid, I sent in all the required documentation to fix this but the timeline isn't going to work for the pending sale. Glad you were able to get your situation resolved. Paying cash was the suggestion from the tax assessor.
  12. I am in the process of selling my airplane to make room for a Mooney. In the process of selling my airplane, the escrow service discovered a tax lien on it from LA county. I purchased this airplane in August of last year and there were no liens when I purchased it. The tax lien was applied in January of this year under the previous owners name. I cannot get ahold of the previous owner and LA county will not give me a release of lien if I pay the tax bill (needs to be previous owner). The escrow service, aero space reports, was not helpful. I am thinking my best option is to go in to the tax assessor's office with cash and the title search paperwork and just claim that I am the previous owner so that I can obtain the lien release to move forward with the sale. I am wondering if there is a better way to deal with this type of situation? Thanks!
  13. Awesome, Thank you.
  14. I agree. I am probably going to pass on this plane. They are pushing me to bring my mechanic to the field. This gives me a bad feeling. In the process of selling my own plane, I have been very accommodating with potential buyers. I did look at that plane and requested the logs via email. I will follow up with Jimmy. Thanks for your help!
  15. I set up the pre-buy for today and organized a flight instructor to fly the plane over to the mechanic. The problem is we have been unable to get ahold of the owner to make sure it is insured. My current airplane is going to be sold next week. I will probably be renting for awhile. This is the plane if anyone knows the owner (I am budgeting for an engine overhaul): https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20E&listing_id=2416232&s-type=aircraft
  16. Thanks for your help guys @Niko182 @ilovecornfields. I appreciate it. Does anyone locally have a manual gear mooney M20E? I have never actually flown in one (only sat in them on the ground). I am wondering whether or not I should spend more for a later model Mooney or go forward with the pre-buy on this one.
  17. Hi everyone. I am based out of Corona Airport and looking for a Mooney mechanic to do a pre buy on a plane (1964 M20E) that I am interested in. Any suggestions? I would also need transition training if I buy the plane. I spoke with Paul Kortopates already (he is based out of San Diego)... but wondering if there is any Mooney Specific instructor closer to me that you guys can recommend. Thank you
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