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  1. I had some corosion on a wing flap. I had the flap replaced with the correct flap but now the wing with the replaced flap has more lift than the other and I have to counter with the ailerons. It makes keeping level flight very uncomfortable. Searching the internet has not provided any help. I'm looking for suggestions how to remedy this
  2. I was told I could interface my tablet EFB (iFly GPS) to the Areocruze 100 but I can't find any interface information. Does the autopilot support USB and can I then use a USB OTG cable for the interface?
  3. I am also in need of a M20C 360 air box. Please help if you know of one in decent condition. There are some parts out of my existing one that I may be able to reuse if I can get a shell that's not cracked and broken.
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