Thank you! I look forward to receiving it.
Just curious. Did you upgrade to the G1000 waas? I haven’t due to the $35K price tag. My software version is .30. I need .34 in order to get engine data, but that requires waas…..bummer.
Ok. Thanks. But, our com 1 won't transmit at all. All we get is a side tone. I'll pass your info along to my husband and will get back to you after he does some other troubleshooting today.
Thanks! It is the unit we have. We’ll check it out today. I hope it’s just a loose wire somewhere. I think the quickest thing to do first is remove the unit and reseat it. My husband disconnected the BNC connector on the rear antenna yesterday. No joy. We’ll have to explore how to access the front antenna today. The plane only has 432 TT on the engine, airframe and prop so it hasn’t flown that much. However, it sat for 2 1/2 years prior to our purchase.
I have a 2006 Mooney Ovation 3 with 2 non-Waas G1000’s and a GMA 1347 audio panel. I just purchased this aircraft and it has been sitting for 2 1/2 years in an enclosed hangar.
The trouble I am having is that Com 1 is not transmitting. I can receive on Com 1. The TX light lights up and I get a side tone. Com 2 operates normally in transmit and receive.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem? If there might be a loose wire at the antenna, which antenna is Com 1 connected to - the forward or aft antenna?
Thank you,
Paula B
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