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  1. Let me just go over some things quick because I realized I didn’t offer enough info. I’m a 100-200hr per year pilot with most of my time in 172s and 182s. I live in Central Florida. This is my first owned retract and I have about 30 hours in it. I have a ‘64 E model. With a white arc between 80 and 110mph and a green arc between 65 and 150. Vne is 190. The issue I get into is, in a 500rpm decent I can never keep it in the green arc unless I’m less than 10”mp. If I keep it closer to 15” I’m up around 170mph. Is this a problem or should I not sweat being firmly in the yellow in the Mooney? I appreciate all y’all’s help.
  2. I’m new to Mooneys, having bought my first only weeks ago. One issue I keep having is speed control. Are there any tricks y’all have to slowing the things down while descending or should I just plan for a 300fpm decent at all times?
  3. I’m trying to fix up the interior of my ‘64 E and can’t find the plastics that sit on the floor between the seats. Does anyone know a place that may sell them?
  4. I’m looking to overhaul an IO360-A1A. I’ve seen cylinder overhauls for $2,000 each, but have been quoted $20,000 for the entire engine. Where does the discrepancy lie?
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