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  1. I would expect mine to be a little higher than your since I'm at 6200 feet, but 250? Not so sure. And thanks. :-)
  2. Like the title says, during idle, after startup, how much RPM increase do you get when you lean? The Electroair mechanic was here this week (again) and he was surprised at how much RPM increase during lean. He thinks my fuel system is not set right. At 800 RPM leaning to peak RPM I end up at about 1050 RPM.
  3. I haven't been on here in months and when I get on I find this post. My EIS from Electroair has been a nightmare ever since my previous mechanic reinstalled it after some major maintenance. I've had three MTHs fail in just this way. It's been a year long battle. I just completed a test flight last week with a newly installed MTH by the manufacturer recommended mechanic. He found that my TDC mark on the flywheel was off by one tooth. So my previous mechanic had been incorrectly timing it. He also said that my engine had over three degrees of gear lash and that he didn't think the MTH was ever going to be the long term solution. He was right. The first test flight and I could feel the miss. He's coming back out to replace the MTH with a trigger wheel. A friend who used to own a Glassair with a non-turbo 540 Lycoming said he had the trigger wheel and it ran flawlessly. I'm hoping he's right.
  4. Yes, the blue harness is for the mag. It's about 15 years old and showing areas of burn through.
  5. I've had nothing but problems with the EIS since re-install after major maintenance. I'm a physicist, not an electrical engineer, but I'm thinking bundling all those wires is probably not a good thing. Also, did a logbook review. Blue ignition wires are ancient and show signs of burn through. Gami's have about 500 hours on them without cleaning. And on and on it goes. Hangar neighbors keep telling me not to give up. Mom says, "that plane needs to go to aircraft heaven". Wife just gives me side-eye when another Aircraft Spruce box arrives. Fired my mechanic. Now talking with the guys at Smooth Power to get insight on the EIS. It's gonna be a cold winter in the hangar.
  6. Rudder trim is tied to the nose wheel. Plane always pulled to the right during taxi and landing. Kept complaining about it to my "wait and see" previous mechanic. No big deal...until ATC landed me with 15 knot tailwind after telling me I had a 30 degree crosswind. "Pulled to the right" became "dart to the right" when you are doing F1 speeds on touchdown.
  7. She's flown with me once...and we landed in horrible winds. I flew my son to a baseball tournament last summer...and a no-blow gasket blew on an exhaust pipe. Just talked to my mom, she told me to sell the damn thing. Nobody wants me in it.
  8. My wife hasn't been thrilled about the money aspect, but she's definitely much more negative about a plane trying to kill me.
  9. "Is there anybody going to listen to my story, all about the girl who came to stay?" I used to own a classic Ferrari. The joke when I was shopping for it was that the purchase price was only the price of admission. The same is true for aircraft ownership. BIG TIME! I've only owned the plane for a year and a half. A 1999 M20M Bravo. A Ferrari with wings is what I told my wife. Plane Ownership: The Cliff's Notes version - What a nightmare. Shoddy maintenance from multiple mechanics has now resulted in exhaust pipe gasket failure in flight, incorrect rudder trim indication resulting in a runway excursion, a lower cowling that's basically a collector of loose bolts, two emergency landings (the second with complete engine failure during my flare), an aborted take off due to engine failure as I applied full throttle. Now the plane sits 90 miles from home in La Junta, Colorado. I managed to secure a hangar there for $575/month, as I continue to pay for my empty hangar at KCOS for $700/month. Just. Shoot. Me. I was hoping to go to MooneyMAX this year. That didn't happen due to the recent testing of my emergency procedures skills. I was also planning to see if Don Maxwell Aviation would do my annual next year and give the plane a thorough inspection. I finally just called them yesterday and Don answered the phone. I told him the whole story and he said he'd be glad to talk with my current A&P to see if they could figure out what's going on. I told Don that I had been planning to bring my plane to him since I was born in Longview, Texas, and grew up in nearby Kilgore. I told him my dad was back home in Kilgore after having been gone for 50 years. After I told him my name, he asked my dad's name. Turns out they grew up together. He said, "When we get off the phone, you call your daddy and tell him that Don Paul said hello." Yessir. I'm a third generation Texan who left Texas 23 years ago to spend 12 years in Alabama and now 11 years in Colorado. That phone call made me home sick.
  10. The PO installed the Electroair. He raved about it giving better fuel economy. Ummm...from what I've read, that's not possible on the turbo. Other than the push button start, which is nice, I'm not sure what it really gets me. This is my first airplane ownership experience. So far it has sucked. I've never felt safe in this plane and have never felt confident in my A&P(s).
  11. My current A&P is working with Electroair, and the FAA has already reached out to me. "Just turn off the EIS", yeah, I just wanted the plane on the ground and didn't want to touch anything it was running so bad. As I flared and pulled power, the engine quit. Landed with a non-rotating prop. Strange feeling.
  12. Looks like I answered my own question. Two unplanned landings later and two back to back chewed up teeth in the MTH, my neck is officially in pain...and my plane is sitting outside on a tarmac 70 miles from home. Oh, and my medical expired because I couldn't get home in time for my appointment with the Doc.
  13. Well, I can't even get Western Skyways to call me back. So...
  14. This is why I asked, even though my A&P recommended them. Trust but verify.
  15. That's who my A&P suggested.
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