"Is there anybody going to listen to my story, all about the girl who came to stay?"
I used to own a classic Ferrari. The joke when I was shopping for it was that the purchase price was only the price of admission. The same is true for aircraft ownership. BIG TIME!
I've only owned the plane for a year and a half. A 1999 M20M Bravo. A Ferrari with wings is what I told my wife. Plane Ownership: The Cliff's Notes version - What a nightmare. Shoddy maintenance from multiple mechanics has now resulted in exhaust pipe gasket failure in flight, incorrect rudder trim indication resulting in a runway excursion, a lower cowling that's basically a collector of loose bolts, two emergency landings (the second with complete engine failure during my flare), an aborted take off due to engine failure as I applied full throttle. Now the plane sits 90 miles from home in La Junta, Colorado. I managed to secure a hangar there for $575/month, as I continue to pay for my empty hangar at KCOS for $700/month. Just. Shoot. Me.
I was hoping to go to MooneyMAX this year. That didn't happen due to the recent testing of my emergency procedures skills. I was also planning to see if Don Maxwell Aviation would do my annual next year and give the plane a thorough inspection. I finally just called them yesterday and Don answered the phone. I told him the whole story and he said he'd be glad to talk with my current A&P to see if they could figure out what's going on. I told Don that I had been planning to bring my plane to him since I was born in Longview, Texas, and grew up in nearby Kilgore. I told him my dad was back home in Kilgore after having been gone for 50 years. After I told him my name, he asked my dad's name. Turns out they grew up together. He said, "When we get off the phone, you call your daddy and tell him that Don Paul said hello." Yessir. I'm a third generation Texan who left Texas 23 years ago to spend 12 years in Alabama and now 11 years in Colorado. That phone call made me home sick.