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Wojciech Kacprzyński

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Everything posted by Wojciech Kacprzyński

  1. Hi, Turns out it's the Gill battery fault. Changed to Concorde and no problems since
  2. Hi everyone, Do you reccomend or know about any not crazy expensive switches for the J model? The part numers I'm looking for are: 930023-011 930023-007 930023-001 930023-005 930023-003 930023-015 Some previous owner just put there CB car switches instead of buying new ones. I'm trying to find a suitable replacement for them. Do you know who can provide something simmilar and approved?
  3. yesterday i was there at night to see if enything lights up with the master off, but noting seems to be, anyway the ameter reads 0A when master is off so I don't know, last thing that I did was to disconnect the battery and it will stay that way till friday so that i can rule out or confirm the bad battery theory.
  4. I don't really know where the fuses are. No, it does not have an electronic ignition system
  5. That was with master swich on, however I don't think it should be draining so much.
  6. I dont dormally ha ve a switch to tur it off.
  7. Did that just now. With master off, no drainage at all, but when i pull every CB out, there is a 0.63A of drainage and when pushing them in one at a time, alt field would drain around 2.9A. Is that normal? I disconected the battery at 12.55V and will be at the airport in 3 days to see if it stays roughly the same.
  8. okay, will do that tomorrow and post back if anything comes up, thank you
  9. yeah it is, thats for sure, the alt was repaired after that and i havent noticed any problems yet. I will try replacing the VR. What do you mean by lousy experiences? I would like to hear about it.
  10. The replacement battery was brand new from GLL (G35), so its only 8mths old. After the troubleshooting I will try replecing the alternator, thanks
  11. Thanks I will check the VR, althrough, when the engine is running it shows that the battery is recharging. I tried to check with master off if the power drains somewhere but on battery it doesnt show even an miliamper of drain.
  12. Its not like its not giving power at all, just the longer it sits the less its got. After 3 days it barely has enough to spin the prop 3-4 times which is often not enough.
  13. Hi guys, For some time now I've been struggling with a problem with my electrical system. I own a 1977 M20J. It all started 8 months ago. All of the sudden after annual, my battery started to lose its charge in a matter of days. Literally after 3 days of staying in hangar, it would be so depleted that it wouldn't start anymore. After some troubleshooting we determined that the battery was old and thus it was losing its charge. I replaced it and everything worked great for some time. The longest lasted without flying was 2 months and it still had 12v precisely. A few weeks ago the problem started all over again. It started to lose power to a point where after two weeks it wasn't able to start-up, then one week, then 3 days and now it's hard to start it normally after 8hrs... It can be relevant that 2 weeks ago my alternator stopped working mid flight and was allegedly repaired by a mechanic in a foreign country. Nothing I did with the breakers or anything did anything mid flight. We checked the battery once again but it turned out to be perfectly formed and not missing any electrolyte from any of the cells. Do you guys have any idea what could be wrong? Has anyone encountered a similar problem in the past? Any suggestions? Best regards, Wojciech Kacprzyński, A fellow Mooney owner
  14. Hi, I'm sorry if it is somewhere in the forum, but I haven't found it for the past hour. Do any of you have the up-to-date leaning red fin for this Mooney? If someone directs me to that info somewhere around here I would really appreciate it and delete this topic because then it becomes useless. Thank yall! WK
  15. 1) I did now 2) yup, Poland here 3) I had a transition training from an instructor fluent with the K and TN. 4,5,6) I certainly will! Thank you <3
  16. Hi, unfortunetely there are not a lot Mooney pilots in my neighborhood, there is only one that I found and he flies only K and TN models. But he teached me well I think. I will for sure want to do my IFR training on my Mooney, if only I find a CFI that can both teach IFR and fly Mooneys ^^ Do you think a maint budget of 25$/hr would be sufficient? Blackstone is not really close to me, diffrent continents, you know hahah, but I already do oil analysys every 50hrs. What do you mean by the numbers 7-10k? I recently bought a case of oil and now I am about to order the filters as you adviced. Do you know any covers fitting Mooney that will ship to Poland? Thank you for the advice
  17. There are not a lot of hot days here in Poland, but thanks anyway, I'll consider it A polishing kit sounds great I already do oil changes, but did not realise it was 4 months and not 6, so thank you very much for the info The sharpie is a great idea I will have my LED installed right away with my mechanic. Do you know any places where I can buy cowl plugs? Thank you very much for the feedback
  18. Thank you very much, I will certainly do so.
  19. Hi, I recently bought an M20J as my first aircraft, I have less than 200hrs of flight time and would like to hear your opinions about what to do, what not to do, how to fly it properly, maybe some great power settings you guys use. Any help or advice will be well appreciated. Have a nice day!
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