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    Galveston Texas
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    Flying, Golf, Flying, Golf...
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  1. For what it's worth, I put industrial strength velcro on my android tablet and the fuzzy side on my yoke. Sits very nicely and runs Avare just fine. I spend zero on any subscriptions for anything and fly all over the country just staring out the window.
  2. Thanks, yeah I found a very friendly and well know IA in the area. I just ship it to him and he'll install it. On Aircraft spruce there are two of the Rapco 215cc any idea which? the IA said just get any 215cc but aircraft spruce has 2 different ones and one has lesser reviews 215CC Overhauled Pump with Inspection Port & Seal RAP215CC 10-07418 215CC-9 Overhauled Pump with Inspection Port & Seal RAP215CC-9 10-07419
  3. work, i'm still a just a peasant
  4. I flew to midland. It's safe here but I need to put a new vacuum pump in before going home. We were gunna leave it here for 2 weeks but my commercial flight back looks like it's delayed into oblivion so who knows...
  5. Anyone have a good 215cc? Flew my plane away from the hurricane and the vacuum pump went out... have to replace it while it's out of town.... so I can fly it back. Figured everyone going glass there might be a few good ones out there floating around not being used.
  6. We flew to midland and dropped the plane off. Have friends out there.
  7. I checked and they do. That still doesn't solve the problem of where I would go. I called a few places and there isn't any available space. I guess I'll have to look at my work from hotel options.
  8. As the title says, people in Galveston are talking about the potential for Beryl to hit us. What do you guys do in these situations? I don't know anyone with a hangar or what should be done. I certainly don't want to lose the plane to storm damage. I have a grandfather with a house on a private strip 20 miles north but that's no hangar and imo far worse off. Do pilots typically come together on this stuff and help transport to wherever and provide a hangar spot if need be or you just figure it out on your own?
  9. I get your point but it's not like that. I am in charge of everything on the capitol spend. The Buck stops with me sort of position. I report back to the CEO 3 times over 2 years on status and my direct boss never. He doesn't care what I do because I self manage. They don't pay me to inspect equipment, this would be the 12th hat I would be wearing in a severally understaffed department. I personally don't think there is any value to me going and looking at it as I already pay a certified company to evaluate and inspect the equipment along the path of it's build. For whatever reason my boss wanted me to go see it. I get it, you don't know me or my work ethic and I probably come off as obnoxious but this is a case of, "Well he does everything already anyway why not have him do this also," and this is just where I draw the line.
  10. It's my understanding that they aren't paying you to travel to other locations, they are reimbursing you for your expenses based on Tax law. You could also opt to file that on your taxes yourself, they just do it for you in a way. I also don't understand how they get to decide one way or the other. IMO they can decide based on cost and what is cheaper. In my case, me flying is half the cost of any other where just based on the crazy location of where I was going to go. I ended up emailing them again as the comments about not being reputable got under my skin. I told them I have no intention of going either way anymore, but I didn't want there to be a misconception about aviation. I proceeded to sold them on the laws of aviation.
  11. That's Warren Buffet for you. I spend millions of His dollars every year and he wants me to fly spirit Airlines cause it's cheapest. The idea of going wasn't really all that cool to me, unless I could fly myself. They can't make me drive 5.5 hours one way and right now they can't afford to replace me. At least for the next couple months. I thought of making the motorcycle argument also. But then I realized I really don't give a shat. I'll fly to san Antonio this weekend instead and go golf or something.
  12. Well as an update, they denied it altogether. The said "travel standard requires that “our personnel only fly on approved aircraft operated by reputable and audited operators”. So there we have it, it doesn't matter either way. I still use it for my personal company when I can.
  13. I will probably be put in the .55 or whatever it is category. either way, if I can get the cost of gas back I'm good with it. even then I'd probably eat that cost too just to not have to fly commercial. Saving 8 hours of drive time over 2 days would be well worth it to me. Not to mention the 2 hours early to the airport BS
  14. All I have is this from the gov website. I do understand your point that it's probably up to. Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates | GSA As far as lawsuits go, wouldn't that be the same as anything else? If I were driving out there and got in a wreck I'd be driving for the company. I understand a plane wreck might be different in damages but my flying isn't a condition of my job or this task, It would just be way more convenient for me to fly myself over my other options.
  15. I'm trying to understand what the right thing to do here is. My Job wants me to travel and do some inspections on multimillion dollar equipment we purchased. This place is out in the middle of nowhere Mississippi. It's an inconvenient flight and then 3 hour drive by car to get there. Meals, overnight stay and all that jaz. Of it's an hour and a half from my home airport to a landing strip 20 minutes away in a courtesy car. I've asked to take my airplane because I don't really want to go if I can't fly myself. I can do the whole round trip in a day and be done if I fly myself. If I go the commercial route its a 2 day event with tons of driving in some crap rental car and probably a spirit airlines ticket. As I understand the law. I can fly myself and charge mileage at 1.74 a mile there and back again right? This should meet all the conditions for me getting reimbursed 'for flying my plane? I am just a PP. But do I understand this correctly?
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