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Michael Saathoff

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Everything posted by Michael Saathoff

  1. I got replacement flap hinges at a salvage yard and ordered replacement bolts. It worked fine but they are difficult to replace though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Jimbob, I'm in exactly the same situation with my M20C. I'd love to speak with you and compare notes if you wouldn't mind. Thanks, Mike
  3. I was having trouble visualizing, this is as wonderful/helpful post. With that said, the spot I have available, I was concerned was too small as I don't want to reconfigure the entire panel. This gives me comfort that I can put a 900 in portrait mode in the spot of my old Tac and Manifold.
  4. Any Pireps for the JPI-900 VS the EI CGR 30P for engine monitoring on the M20C and where to put either in this panel? I was thinking either EI CGR 30P where the Tac and MP/FP gauges go or replace the cluster with the JPI-900? Thoughts greatly appreciated.
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