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  1. This a POA repost - but I received no response there - so maybe I try my luck here! I am holding an FAA and an EASA License + IR. I will need to refresh my annual EASA IR through an instrument check ride (- yes - EASA wants annual IPCs). Can anyone recommend a Midwest EASA instrument instructor (ideally Chicago area) or otherwise somewhere close to Midwest. I have my own Mooney - but happy to do it in any other (reasonable equipped aircraft). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you everyone - this is a truly awesome list! I will get my spreadsheet out to compare and call up shops! I will post about the outcome. Really appreciate the collective knowledge here! Florian Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi everyone, -looking for annual recommendations- I moved from Germany to Chicago - together with my Mooney (- an original Encore). In April my annual is due (and I will want/need to do it in the US). Due to lots of flying I had the chance to try out a few shops all over the country, repairing a few squawks and changing oil (as I didn’t bring any tools). The rate per hour varied from $120 to $190 and didn’t necessarily correlate with my confidence of wanting to leave my airplane there for a Mooney annual. Do you have any recommendation for annuals that provides good service at a reasonable rate? - The local MSC apparently is no more since last year. I am in Chicago, but anywhere flying 4-5 hours (Mooney speed) is okay - as long as I can reasonably get back to Chicago (combination of Uber, Train and Flight) in case it takes longer to resolve (- working remotely but don’t want to strand for weeks) Ability to fit new Garmin is a plus as my vacuum AI is starting to get wonky. Florian Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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