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  1. I’ll send you a PM
  2. Hey Joe! I’m in Lincoln often. I’ll be there tomorrow. I’m going to look at a M20G. Not to purchase just to get an idea.
  3. Robert, do you do transition training for Mooneys? All my time is in a Cessna.
  4. KMCC is perfect! I live near there and only rent from KEDU.
  5. I checked out your plane on your page and you literally have everything I dream of in a Mooney. If you head up this way at some point that would be fantastic. As far as the airport, I can meet at any of them in the Sac area. I rent out of KEDU and live near KMCC. I’ll shoot you a PM. Thanks!
  6. Hello MooneySpace! I am taking my checkride next week and now am looking for my first airplane. I know I know, a Mooney isn’t the best first plane but it is what I want. I cannot decide if a short body or long body will fit my needs best. I am looking to see if anyone here near Sacramento would mind showing my their plane. I’d love to get to know more local pilots as well being a new pilot. Thanks! Jon
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