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I didn't know fuel burn could be that economical on the C model with the carb O360. Good to know! Thanks for clarifying regarding the manual vs electric gear. This simplifies things as I continue my reserarch. What is ITT that you referred to? I'm assuming Dukes/ITT are a make of electric gear motors? I wouldn't go so far as to say that money is not a concern. It's a concern, always lol. I suppose I'm just weighing the differences/benefits vs. the cost differences. I appreciate your input! Understood. Also thanks for the link to the M20E for sale. I'm still getting up to speed when it comes to aircraft ownership, and being up in Canada, adding the complexities of importing are a consideration. I hear it could be a simple thing that take less than month, to something that can quickly become a headache if there have been modifications that aren't approved by Transport Canada. Not to mention the tax and possible luxury tax that could be tacked on as well, depending on purchase price. So I'm inclined to stay on this side of border if at all possible. That really limits my options unfortunately. So I'm still keeping an eye out in case something comes along. There is so much more inventory and options available south of the border. Absolutely! Agreed.
1) Preferably fuel injected, so the IO360 would be ideal 2) The backseaters would be family/friends, so already full-grown. Leaning towards going with a mid-body. 3) Yes 4) Not the Pacific, just the Great Lakes around my area 5) - Fuel injection, to avoid any potential issues with carb ice and have the additional 20HP of the IO360 vs O360 - As much as I would like the idea of a TC or TN, I like the simplicity of a normally aspirated engine will suffice and really help to save on maintenance costs. - 4 cylinders should give me plenty of power and useful load for my purposes - Likely not, at least not for a long time. I'm hoping to get something that would be my airplane for a long time. 6) What is the consensus on the IO360-A1A? It powers the F model, if I'm not mistaken? 7) Absolutely. This is the most daunting aspect of the entire idea. I'm trying to be very conservative in my estimations, so as to keep reserves readily available for if, or more likely when, things show up 8) Could you expand on this a bit for more please? You're saying to make sure you spend the extra dough on a more thorough PPI if I'm not familiar with buying old machinery? I would definitely be spending the dough on a thorough PPI. First airplane and not used to buying older machinery. Thank-you for your insights and things to keep in mind! I had a great chat with Paul and had my note taking skills at the ready. Paul was incredibly helpful! I was under the impression that some F models came with the johnson bar as well? I could be wrong. I'm leaning towards the F model as well for the reasons you mentioned; fuel injection, 200HP, and if I can find one with manual gear, all the better. Less things to go wrong and less maintenance expense. Great to hear you've owned your F for 30 years. I'm thinking the F model will be the way to go. I appreciate your offer to help out, very kind! I'm sure I will take you up on your offer and send you a PM or two along the way. That kind of speed is certainly very respectable. I would be happy with those numbers, no doubt. For the most part, it would likely be just myself and a +1, but every now and again I would have 2 or even 3 pax that I will want to take. So the UL does come into question for me. Another thing that was brought to my attention was the fact that it's very difficult to run LOP reliably on a carbureted engine. It sounds like there's some savings to be had, especially over the long run, to being able to run LOP. In any case, I wouldn't want to start a ROP vs. LOP debate here, just something I'm keeping in mind. But yeah, no doubt the G model would be more than sufficient for the majority of my flights. For the most part, yes it fits my mission. I don't anticipate having to carry 3-4 people total on a regular basis, but I think, at this point, since I'm considering this to be my "forever" airplane, I do want that ability going forward. I may be narrowing this down to wanting the F model. Thank-you for everyone's time and input. You're all proving to be a very valuable resource in helping this Mooney newbie get up to speed quickly on what he needs to know.
Hello Mooney experts! I'm hoping to bend your ear and get some advice regarding possibly entering the exclusive club of Mooney owners. I've come across two listings that are of interest: 1968 M20G Statesmen - Nice avionics, gear-up landing 1975 M20F Executive 21 - Newer bird, old avionics These seem like decent options to the uninitiated, Mooney newbie. The engines have low time and I want to say they haven't been hangar queens, but I will have to investigate further. I posted my first thread here about an M20A and everyone was very helpful. For a little more $$$ than my initial listing, I could get the all-metal aircraft. I also want to say that, if I've done my research correctly, these both should have a cabin that's 10" longer than the 1960 M20A I was looking at? The older 1968 M20G even has a nice Aspen and 530W in it. Looks like the decision here would between the newer model with older avionics, or one that's slightly older with nice avionics and manual gear. I'm almost leaning towards the older aircraft with manual gear. Save myself the cost of expensive avionics upgrades and I'm thinking that the manual gear should be less costly to maintain, no? Looking forward to your thoughts on these two options and which one you would recommend, if at all. Thanks in advance for everyone's time and assistance.
Thank-you for everyone's replies! You've all been most helpful. Quite something that a couple of folks here have come across this very aircraft in the past. It sounds like it may be best to pass on this bird and keep looking, not necessarily on account of the wooden wing, but more so the potential red flags. I'm not really looking for a project, and would prefer more of a turn-key aircraft (within reason) that's ready to go. Also, I found the spreadsheet regarding the different Mooneys. Very helpful! Thanks again. I've found a couple of other options and created a new thread here, if you would be so kind as to offer your thoughts and advice there too, it would be most appreciated. (For future reference, should I have created a new thread or just simply added to this one? Wasn't sure since it's not the same aircraft anymore. Thoughts?)
Apologies, I should have written it more clearly. The aircraft is currently around Calgary, AB, which is a pretty dry climate, year-round. However, I live in Southwestern Ontario. So where it would potentially be going is certainly higher humidity. All great points to keep in mind. I figured there had to be a reason(s) as to why it hasn't moved. Thanks for the note regarding the useful load and the different sub-models that would be better suited. About how the fibreglass wing was accomplished: that's a great question. I have no idea. I will have to look into it further. In any case, it sounds like there's good reason to be skeptical of this bird. Thank-you for your time.
Hello Mooney experts and aficionados, I've come to Mooney Space to be educated and have knowledge imparted upon me by gracious and patient Mooney Kings and Queens. My username is a bit presumptuous, seeing as I don't own a Mooney as of yet, but, I'm trying to practice some PMA, Positive Mental Attitude. I'm located in Canada and looking to purchase my first aircraft. Any and all advice is much appreciated. Mission-wise: Looking for a 4 seat aircraft (most of the time it'll be just myself plus one, but would like the option to carry a third person at least), that's relatively fast (140kts+), is IFR capable, and has a decent useful load (~650lbs plus fuel). I'm new to the world of Mooney and I've come across this 1960 M20A. Photos. Spec sheet. Logs. What I know: Asking $39,900 USD Current location of aircraft: Calgary, Alberta. Potential future home: Southwestern Ontario Fabric on the wings has been replaced by fibreglass. Has been for sale for some time. This video on YouTube shows it being uploaded 8 months ago. Has been hangared at least since the current owner purchased it. About 15 years. Hasn't flown much in the last few years. No known issues with the landing gear pucks. Has had a gear up landing in the past. Logs seem to document the repair fairly well. Has a wooden wing. I've never considered an aircraft with a wooden wing. Some reports say they can actually be preferable to metal, woods rots but aluminum corrodes - type of thinking. I'm not sure what to make of it. Seems everyone has their preferences and biases. Living in Southwestern Ontario, the humidity is a concern. Hangar space is also especially difficult to come by in my area. I may have to keep the aircraft outside for the first while. Is it even worth it to consider a wooden wing aircraft if it can't be stored in a hangar at all times? What I don't know: What am I missing? This seems like a machine that would accomplish my mission, has a low-time engine, very low-time prop that was OH in 2014 (so still some time before it's 10yr inspection for us here in Canada), IFR with a GNS 480, all for a seemingly decent price point. As they say, if it's too good to be true... Anyone know a good mechanic for a pre-buy with experience in wooden aircraft around the Calgary, Alberta area? Anyone know someone with a similar short-body M20 in southwestern Ontario that would let me sit in their aircraft and try it on for size? I'm a tall dude without any trace of an eating disorder. Would anyone be able to sit behind me, or is that rear bench for aesthetics and suitcases only? I hear these short-body Mooney's can be on the smaller side? Many say the reputation for being small is simply not true, and that it's a commonly misunderstood myth. Thoughts? Probably a lot more that I'm not even aware of. Stuff that I don't know I don't know... So I leave it to you, oh great and mighty gods of the Mooney Space forum. Talk me into it, talk me out of it. I'm all ears and open to any and all suggestions and recommendations. Thank-you kindly in advance for everyone's time in helping a Mooney wannabe join your exclusive club. Or perhaps advising that I continue looking, and potentially save me from a financial 7700. All the best.