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Everything posted by Denise

  1. Just went through the battery ground, cleaned sanded greased and reattached. Also removed cowl. We had cleaned a connector to a P-lead before but this time noticed that a tie wrap forced the wire to have two 90 degree turns at each end. Some of the insulation missing but the wires appear intact. We removed the tie wrap so there is less angle. No static on the test flight. I have 100 hour coming up soon so I’ll have the p-lead replaced then. Until then I’ll get a few more hours on it and confirm the issue is solved. Thank you all for your help. We were scratching our heads in this one.
  2. Thank you for your help!
  3. Thank you. I have loads of photos from my trip to KFFA. Here are just a few.
  4. It has to be something in the engine.I will go back through the connections using your checklist. Thank you.
  5. I will check the capacitor.
  6. I did a mag check early on and no change noted. Also pulled the alternator circuit breaker and noted no change. Would like to find the smoking gun here. Engine is so clean and all tight. I know it is something but very illusive.
  7. Yes unfortunately we cannot create the noise on the ground. Does not have any harmonic to it or appear to be tied to an engine rhythm. Are you the fella with the D model? I spent 6 hours with an avionics guy. And several hours checking loose connections but haven’t found the issue. I will follow Andy’s suggestions and go through the engine again. Thank you.
  8. I’ve owned my 1977 Mooney M20J for 26 years. Put a factory reman engine in it with the two mags this spring and have about 90 hours on the engine. In the last 10-15 hours I began to get a crackling and popping noise through my audio panel. It was intermittent at first but now happens on every flight. It only occurs in flight usually at higher MP and RPM. Not long after I reach cruise, raise the gear and close the cowl flaps it will start. We can aggravate it in flight and minimize it by touching wires but can’t seem to identify the root cause and therefore forcing it to happen on the ground. I’ve isolated each radio and transponder —noise only goes away when the audio panel is off. Checked mags and alternator added a filter to alternator as a precaution. Anyone have any ideas? Going to swap Garmin 340 audio panel next. Engine runs great. Flew the airplane from CA to KFFA this summer. Thankfully this didn’t start until I had returned.
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