I'm having a strange issue with my trim and I am having my A&P look at it, however I wanted to the hive mind input to see what specific recommendations for my mechanic to follow, as he isn't sure what is going on either.
The issue is with the trim/elevator behavior during landing. As you know, as you deploy flaps in the Mooney, it pitches the nose downward. So with every notch of flaps I deploy (or pumps, as it were,) I pull the yoke back to compensate for the pitch down, and trim off the pressure. Around the second to third pump, after I pull the yoke back, I try to trim off the pressure but the pressure doesn't release. I give it a couple partial turns of the wheel as I am used to, but nothing happens. Then a few seconds later, the yoke/elevator abruptly releases the pressure and it can be startling.
Everything during preflight as far as controls feel like they are working properly. They are free and clear and move smoothly. The trim wheel moves normally. This behavior just started a few months ago and hasn't seemed to have gotten better or worse. It doesn't matter if I manually adjust trim using the wheel or use the trim servo of the GFC500 system.
The empennage behaves normally with the trim adjustment on the ground as does the elevator movement. However, I am suspecting that maybe the elevator bungees have something to do with this issue?