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Me & 8883

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  1. I recently saw an interesting aftermarket interior dome light in a J model. The airplane was getting an engine replaced so it happened to be in a shop that I was visiting. The owner said the dome light was in the aircraft when he purchased it, so he didn't know from where it was purchased. It seems to fit the opening of the dome light perfectly with 4 set screws. Has anyone seen one of these, or more importantly, know where they can be purchased? I'm sure it's in the logbook somewhere, but neither he nor I were motivated to go looking there.
  2. Hi Folks, I own a 1977 M20J and I'm looking forward to completely revamping my panel. I'm speaking with several shops about the work and one recurring issue is with regard to replacement switches (breaker switches) and annunciator light replacements. One shop told me I HAD to keep the existing switches and lights or purchase the exact same equipment to replace -no substitutions. Other shops say they are happy to replace the Mooney breaker switches with, say, MS breaker switches, but there has to be some sort of STC in order to make the change. I wouldn't mind MS breaker switches and aircraft annunciator lighting (simple red or green circles) on the panel with the panel properly labeled. I know many others have done this before... Any guidance?
  3. Good suggestions. My yoke has a map light button, but it is INOP. I'll crawl under the panel to see if thee is a light up there that might have burnt out. That would perhaps solve the fuel switch visibility issue, but what about the trim/flap settings on the center console (near the floor)? I suppose I'll talk to a shop about it -perhaps they have dealt with that issue before.
  4. I have a 1977 M20J and I love it except that if I'm flying at night, I notice that I can't see the fuel indicator switch (under my legs) or the trim and flap settings without a flashlight. I see a couple of very small post lights protruding from the center console (I assume to address these issues), but they are of zero help. I'll still have the flashlight handy on night flights, but there has to be a better way to see these items at night. Any thoughts?
  5. Thanks folks. A J model landed in my lap. Going through pre-buy now. Thanks again for your help.
  6. For the pilot relief valve deal, I'm amazed that I actually like this idea. It apparently was an idea long used by the military. My questions are these: What does this do to the underbelly paint job? It would seem you would need to wash the underbelly frequently. Also, wouldn't there be some freezing temperatures and cracking/kinking of the hose? Is there a cap for the funnel so air isn't continuously sucked out of the cabin?
  7. Cool! He will enjoy it, I'm sure. If he's from Washington, there will be a period of climatization to get used to the heat, which can be done in a couple of weeks if he lays off too much a/c.
  8. I'm located in Georgetown, Texas, just north of Austin.
  9. I'm interested in purchasing a J-Model Mooney, preferably with speed brakes. If anyone is considering selling, please let me know. Thanks.
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