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  1. Thanks shawnd! I saw Galvin had a M20J, and was mulling over getting checked out there. How do you like it? Sounds good. A fly in would be great, but if not there's always the Buzz Inn at Harvey Field.
  2. Thanks Bolter, I'll shoot you a PM!
  3. Hey Bob, that would be great! I'll send you a PM about meeting up.
  4. Hey Everyone, Looking for any M20C-J owners in the northern Seattle area (PAE, AWO, S43). I'm an airline guy (and also a CFI, CFII, MEI) that hasn't flown since April because of Corona Virus and I'm dying to get out and fly. I like to stay involved in GA and rent a Cessna a few times a year and fly for fun around Western Washington. Looking at eventually buying an airplane when the kid gets older and a Mooney is near the top of the list! I'd love to be able to see one in person, go on a flight, or just talk shop. Thanks!
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