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Blue moon

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About Blue moon

  • Birthday 02/20/1947

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    KCNH (New Hampshire)
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  1. Thank you both. Thanks for the photo A64. Exactly where I’m thinking of using it. David
  2. Hello Everyone Are there any 201J owners with experience using the RAM suction mounts on the pilot side side window. Thanks David
  3. Thanks everyone for the excellent advice. Comforting to know I’m not alone and the explanation of the aerodynamics and the physics regarding the landing gear cg/moment changes on touchdown really helps. Over the next few months I’ll be working on this and about a million other things keeping in mind that the most important thing is a safe landing. David
  4. Hello everyone I have been following Mooney Space for about a month and greatly appreciate the expertise and insight all of the members provide. Just purchased a 1979 M20J and have about 6 hrs and 20 landings and have gotten a comfortable feel for it, though not yet “proficient”. I have 1500 hrs PIC time in a Grumman Cheetah and instrument rating and found the transition to the M20J with an instructor a bit difficult at first but now things are coming together. I have found landings to be less difficult than expected, probably because the Grummans are notorious for floating in ground effect when air speeds are not adhered to closely, so I’m used to being sure of when I’m in ground effect and can put the Mooney’s mains on the pavement pretty well. However I find the nosewheel hits very quickly and a bit hard even with maximum back pressure after the mains hit. I’ve tried to vary the airspeed and also add a little power just before touchdown but can’t seem to get it right just yet. My reflexes may need to be a little quicker or more precise but I wonder if there are some techniques the more experienced of you have come to rely on. I am worried that the nosewheel may be getting more stress than necessary and would greatly appreciate any suggestions. I’m sure more practice will help but if I can get an idea about what to practice I think it would help Thanks David
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