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  1. I forgot to ask, what website is this bulb on?
  2. Yea, Thanks but I don’t think this will work because that is exactly what I have is a small strobe light that would be surrounding the wedge base bulb. I think my best bet is just to get a regular bulb that is made to work within the middle of that strobe lamp, once I find out which one it is. All I need is to positively identify the one that burned out. After all, it has been in there for the past 18 years I have on the airplane and has never burned out until now.
  3. Any recommendations for replacing the standard landing lightbulb? I have had this airplane going on 18 years now and it seems that I rarely get a landing light to last more than two years. A pre-flight yesterday showed the bulb to be milky white which was a sure sign that it was out. I am thinking I may have spent more money on replacing the standard bulb then it would have cost me to just go ahead and buy something better. It could have something to do with some occasional “less than perfect” landings… Ha ha. Anyway, each time I replace a bulb I look at the newer stuff and catch my breath at the price. But I’m thinking maybe it is time to go ahead and break down and get a decent bulb that is brighter, possibly has a strobe affect, and of course uses less amperage due to modern technology. So anyway, I am looking for some recommendations on what I might replace the standard bulb with, without necessarily breaking the bank. Any ideas of course would be appreciated very much. Bill
  4. Hopefully the photos will show you what I am looking for. In the photo you might be able to see that the only identifying mark on the bulb are the letters ERC. The bulb that surrounds it (the strobe) is fine. I only need the plug-in bulb in the middle. I am not sure if this Whelen combination position/strobe light is stock or not, because I could not find anything that helps in the M20 series parts or maintenance manual. Thanks, Bill
  5. David, As usual Lynn got it figured out. It was the airspeed safety device that is located right in the back of the ASI. He found loose tubing, fixed that, then adjusted the screw so it goes up right up at 85 mph. Thank you again to everybody on this forum and of course thank you to AGL for again making it easy for me. On a sidenote, flying back from Morganton to Charleston (actually Moncks Corner) was one of the worst turbulence days I’ve flown in for a while. I was VFR so I experimented at 5500, then went down to 3500, then back up to 7500. Never did find smooth air all the way down to the surface at MKS. Anyway, I took the auto pilot off and IT gave me a lot of practice on maintaining a heading and altitude. Bill 76 M20C N7070V
  6. Lots of good info. Thanks. I am going up to AGL Aviation next week and I imagine this is one of the things we will look into. Love this site. Always learning new stuff.
  7. I do not have the red bypass button, but it looks like something I might should look into after I get the current issue straightened out. Thank you.
  8. Probably. Thanks
  9. Hi, Back again with another issue that I’m thinking there might be some knowledge here to help me figure this out, so here goes. AIRCRAFT: 1976 M20C. Electric gear. Squat switch removed. PROBLEM: So far the gear has always come up on takeoff but it is inconsistent as to how long it takes to come up. The gear goes down correctly. About half the time that I bring the gear switch to the up position the gear comes right up. The rest of the time it takes between 15 seconds to as long as six minutes (yesterday) before the gear comes up. It does not come up slowly, it does not grind, or bind up, or struggle or anything like that. It just stays down, but when it finally comes up it just comes up in a normal smooth manner, taking a couple of seconds like it is supposed to. We ran a quick test on it at AGL Aviation when I was up there for the rigging. Putting a little air to the pitot tube until 85 mph was showing on the ASI, it came right up. I told Lynn that I would bring it back up when I had time if the problem continued. I have tried jiggling the gear switch and actually putting it in the down position and then back up into the up position to see if maybe it might be something in the switch but none of that has ever helped. It just comes up when it is ready to. I might get up there to see him next week but in the meantime I thought I would take this rainy afternoon to put this out there to you guys just to maybe get some ideas of what the culprit may be. R/Bill Magill Moncks Corner SC
  10. Rigging problem resolved! Thanks to Andy and others who pointed me in the direction of AGL Aviation At Foothills Regional Airport in Morganton North Carolina. I flew up there yesterday and flew back as a happy camper. Lynn and Nathan knew exactly what to do. My ailerons were wrong, my elevators were at different angles, my rudder was not adjusted properly, my turn coordinator was off, and my flap and trim gauge was reading incorrectly. They went to work on it and by the time they were done I had a different airplane. Lynn went up with me to test everything at the end. I have had this plane for 15 years and the flight controls had never been adjusted. I should have done this years ago. It flies straighter, holds altitude better, and it is ten knots faster (NOT exaggerating.) For the first time ever I am getting indicated airspeeds that the POH says I should get. Can’t say enough good things about these guys! Thank you to them and thank you to you guys for sending me over there.
  11. Yes, thanks, but I am talking about sustained level cross country flying, not pattern work.
  12. Thanks for the advice.
  13. I did not know that. Interesting. I always assumed that if it was an MSC then there would be at least one very experienced person with Mooneys. Thanks. I will be more careful in the future. I guess I need to log on here more often. Ha ha
  14. Okay Andy (and others who contributed to this thread). I will check out AGL Aviation. I don’t want to veer too far from the original conversation, but I was wondering what fellow Mooney owners thought about the general credibility of shops that are certified Mooney Service Centers. In theory, shouldn’t they all be equally qualified to service any Mooney Aircraft? I am not going to name names but sometimes I wonder what exactly one has to do to acquire that certification?
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