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    Columbia, SC
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    Flying, Golf, and travelling

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  1. All, Thank you for the comments. Definitely a lot of food for thought, specifically about the avionics package. All my training has been in planes with a standard 6-pack plus 1 or 2 VOR's and a 430 (or older/no) GPS. That is probably what I will look for in a plane to purchase. I would really like something with a 430 and an autopilot of some sort although I have never used one. I know it would be nice to have on some longer flights and in actual IFR once I am ticketed (and comfortable flying in it). @carusoam I would love an M20R but it is way out of my budget but the C, E & F models are all realistic possibilities. @Htwjr I have been doing a lot of research on the three models as well and like I really like the simplicity and efficiency the Mooney line offers. Coming from the Piper line though I really like having the throttle quadrant vs the Vernier controls so that kind of limits me to the 69-77 models. Vernier wouldn't be a deal breaker on the right plane but I really prefer the quadrant style controls.
  2. Hello Fellow Aviators, I have been lurking the MooneySpace forum for a few months now so I figured it was time to go ahead and introduce myself. I have been a private pilot now for a few years and have a little over 190 hours. I am currently working on my instrument in a 172. A lot of my flight time though is actually in a Piper Arrow (~60 hours). Once I obtain my instrument rating I will begin looking for my own plane. I think a M20C, E, or F would be perfect for my mission. Two people, mostly trips along the East Coast (NC, SC, GA, & FL). I have actually never flown a Mooney or even sat in one but I love the way they look on the ramp and when compared to an Arrow I think you get more plane for the money not to mention most Arrows are trainers and have lots of AFTT. If anyone is near the Columbia, SC or Greenville, SC area that has a Mooney (preferably a C, E or F model) and would be willing to let me take a look or take me up for a quick flight I would gladly pay for the fuel. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and learning more about the vintage Mooney's. Cheers, Eli
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