It ran rough enough my first assumption was some sort of detonation and I wanted to end it as quickly as I could so I leveled off for air flow.
I'll add some more context. The last time it did it was on takeoff from KMRH. Full rich mixture. Ran rough. Leveled off and reduced power. This was at 1200 feet. Smoothed out.
I do not have a fuel flow gauge.
I agree an engine monitor would be great and has been on the agenda for last year or so. $4,000 in re-doing the ignition system ate into that budget earlier in the year and now
Further background. The first time it did it was I initiated a climb from about 2000 feet and forgot cowl flaps. Ran rough, leveled off, opened cowl flaps. Smoothed out. That was when I had him boroscope and do a compression check. Unfortunately I did not get a CHT that time. Since then when it has done it the CHT has been around 360.