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  1. I know people are passionate about their Rockets. Does anyone know why Rocket Engineering stopped doing the conversion? They clearly are still in business.
  2. Yes, that spreadsheet confirms your comment.
  3. I believe this is with long range tanks. Here is the W/B Spreadsheetwb Version 3.8 231 Rocket (2).xls
  4. All the STOL pilots put weight in the tail. Did you notice shorter landings or a lower stall speed after the prop mod?
  5. Great comment! Makes a lot of sense. I wonder what the actual weight difference for the additional two cylinders would be? The prop may be the equalizer.
  6. Thanks, I suppose Rocket Engineering would know how many mods are out there
  7. Looking to buy a Mooney. Is there something going on with the Rocket I do not know? Can anyone give me a sense if this is typical? I thought the Rocket was a rare bird? Does anyone know how many are out there? Sorry for all the questions as I am a newbie.
  8. Nice chart that sums it up
  9. What is your opinion on that its more difficult to fly than a 252?
  10. Hmmm. Not sure that makes sense. I get the 50 to 60HP difference. Can anyone that owns a Bravo comment on LOP?
  11. you can dial it down to match if you wanted to some degree I know its a bigger engine. Right?
  12. Yep the K is even more expensive and a rare find. I heard you can convert a 252 to a K for about $20,000 if you can find the parts. I am just trying to understand the pricing. Because it would seem much more cost efficient to convert a 252 than to purchase one. I think there is only one Encore for sale right now at a very high price. More than a 20,000 difference. Apples to Apples.
  13. Forgive me if this is a dumb question; but why are Bravos almost the same price as a 252s. Why would anyone pay more for a 252? I understand the fuel burn rate is lower in the 252 so its cheaper to fly. Also, I understand that are not as many 252s produced so there are supply and demand factors. What am I missing?
  14. Carusoam, Thanks for all the great advice! Opaque markets are always a challenge. However, it seems that Jimmy is a fair guy.
  15. Thanks so much for the great comments and suggestions. There seems to be consensus on the best pre-buy experts. Thank you very much. I think the only remaining question is (assuming there are no pre-buy issues) how to determine price. I guess once I start negotiating it could be contingent on an appraisal. I know the AOPA has VREF. Does anyone know of an appraiser that is very familiar with Mooneys? It would seem that paying a dealer would cost more than buying direct?
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